  • 學位論文


Professional Competencies of Airlines Ground Staff

指導教授 : 沈進成 陳紫玲


航空公司運務員專業能力之研究 摘要 運務員是航空公司服務的提供者,憑藉著專業知識、專業技能、以及專業態度,將優質的服務傳遞給客戶,以滿足客戶對服務品質的期待,因此專業能力的強弱決定服務品質的優劣,服務品質的優劣成為影響客戶選擇航空公司的重要因素。 本研究是以職業能力分析概述(Occupational Competency Analysis Profiles,簡稱OCAPs)法,對航空公司運務員專業能力進行分析,目的有下列三點: 1.探討航空公司運務員的工作內容;2.歸納航空公司運務員專業能力;3.確認航空公司員務員專業能力的重要性、出現頻率與未來需求。在職業能力分析概述過程中,運用下列幾種方法,包括: 文獻回顧、觀察法、DACUM會議、專家審核、問卷調查及統計方法。 研究結果將航空公司運務員的專業能力,分為工作內容及專業知能兩方面。在工作內容方面,總共產生9項職責,125項任務。其中屬於非常重要的任務有63項,每日使用頻率非常高的任務有14項,必備的任務有113項,未來需求增加的任務有26項;在專業知能方面總共有81項,包括23項知識,27項技能,以及31項態度。 本研究結果能夠作為航空公司在員工招募、職前訓練、在職訓練、考評、升遷的標準;也能夠作為航空公司運務員自我評量的參考;政府相關單位也可將運務員的專業能力項目納入人才資料庫中,建構更完整的人力資源管理系統,提供企業選才、育才的參考;而航空運輸相關科系,以培育符合企業現況的人才為目的,更能夠將本研究結果作為課程規劃時的參考。 關鍵字:運務員,專業能力, DACUM,OCAPs


運務員 專業能力 DACUM OCAPs


Professional Competencies of Arilines Ground Staff ABSTRACT Ground staff is the provider of airlines’ service, through the professional knowledge, professional skills and professional attitude to deliver premium services which are expected to customers. For this reason, the quality of professional competency results the excellence of services. Moorover, service quality will affect customers’ decision for choosing airlines. This study, applied OCAPs ( Occupational Competency Analysis Profiles ) method to analyze the professional competencies of airlines ground staff, including three study purposes: (1) Investigated the job content of airlines ground staff, including duty and task. (2) Generalized the professional competencies of airlines ground staff, based on knowledge, skill and attitude. (3) Analyzed the importance, frequency and future requirement of airlines ground staff’s professional competencies. During the process of OCAPs method, several procedures have been applied, including document review, DACUM meeting, expert review, questionnaire survey and statistical method. Results of the study consist of job contents and professional competencies for airlines ground staff. Job contents included 9 duties and 125 tasks, among the tasks, which have 63 items belonged to “ very important ” level, 14 items beonged to “ very high frequency “ level, 113 items belonged to “ must have ” levle, and 26 items belonged to “ increasing demand “ level. In professional competencies, there are 81 items including 23 knowledge, 27 skills and 31 attitudes. The results of this research can not only provide a standard for airlines in recruiting, pre-training, on-job training, evaluation and promotion but also give a self-evaluation reference for airlines ground staff. Governmental related department also can adopt the airlines ground staff’s professional competencies into human resource database for the reference of enterprise in selecting and cultivating staff. The air transportation department in campus also can use the results of the study when planning the curriculum in order to educate the practitioner in the future. Key Words: ground staff, competency, DACUM, OCAPs


ground staff competency DACUM OCAPs


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