  • 學位論文


Research of festival planning strategy of local government

指導教授 : 吳英偉


「高雄內門宋江陣」陣頭繞境活動兼具「台灣地區十二項大型地方節慶活動」與「一縣市一旗鑑觀光計畫」的雙重身份,期逢高雄縣政府為吸引青年學子傳承宋江陣,與推動民俗藝陣文化與當地觀光產業,將「高雄內門宋江陣」陣頭繞境活動於二00五年起加入大專盃創意大賽。相關文獻指出節慶活動的策略規劃應從主辦者與顧客面雙向進行,由於縣政府並未曾針對顧客群的需求進行調查,故本文由活動規劃者的角度剖析節慶活動之規劃過程。因此,本研究以行銷組合8P為架構,共訪問二十七位參加二00六「高雄內門宋江陣」的活動規劃者與活動參與者,分解地方政府節慶活動規劃策略過程,並透過訪問活動參與者評估規劃者執行成果之個案研究。 研究發現縣政府與廟方有固定職責分工,廟方主導節目活動,縣府負責行銷推廣與經費爭取,並採委外方式執行。與會者建議產品的主題應統一、評分標準與比賽準則、評審的選任要適當並專業,規劃者應該加強內門的地方特色—辦桌文化的曝光;群眾若以學校為主則要安排家長休息區且若執行單位有變,參賽資料轉移要加強以免擾民;合作關係則要加強學校宣導與社區的互動並與業界進行合作;通路安排,學生以學校公文通知居多,故文宣品應可減少。停車場安排與場地安全性要再注意;包裝則要注意宗教禁忌的規範。另外,相關單位應該投入錄製推廣錄影帶、教學cd等或安排種子教師協助訓練;獎金配額的分配比例可再調整,且規劃者事前若有承諾則要落實。節目規劃的活動流程、抽籤順序、評審評分位置、場地與動線、舞台控管、廣播、主持人、食、宿及聯繫方式均有改善的空間,並可與內門周遭環境結合推展觀光。前期文宣品應減少,並將第一波之目標鎖定國術、戲劇、藝術表演類之相關科系進行邀約。網路需要再加強頻寬與版面內容的容量與豐富性。最後本研究建議規劃者要確認目標、資訊網的建立與學習配套、使命感培養與表演環境與內容的提升。


Kaohsiung Neimen Sung Jiang Battle Array has been chosen as one of the 12 Major Events in Taiwan and the Flagship Tourist Attraction representative of Kaohsiung County by Tourism Bureau. To courage more young people to participate in this cultural event and to preserve the folk performing arts as well as transform it into a form that the young people will enjoy, Kaohsiung County government has held Inter-Collegiate Cup Creative Sung Jiang Battle Array Competition since 2005. Previous literature suggested that we should focus on both organizers’ and customers’ point of view when discussing the strategic planning of festivals. Given that the local government has not done such research; this study used the marketing mix of 8P as the framework to explore the planning process of this festival. Twenty-seven organizers and participants were interviewed to obtain the required data We found that the party of temple stands for the festival programming and the local government is in charge of promotion, funding, and bidding process. First, participants propose that the festival theme, rules of competition, jury nomination and local specialty should be amended. Second, the arrangement of resting places for parents and some administration tasks could be more effectively planned and operated. Third, they may cooperate with schools, local communities and industries well. Fourth, government may strengthen operating institutions to reduce payment of promotion. Parking lot and security of competition spaces should be monitored continuously. Fifth, the religious taboo must be concerned in the festival promotion. Also the promotion video and assistance personnel training could be advanced. Sixth, much improvement could be made towards the programming process, the order of ballot, the location of jury, the space setting and patterns, the stage management, the broadcasting system, the food arrangement and accommodation, and ways of communication. The promotion could be tailored to colleges with related department as sporting, theater and performing arts. The speed of web search and its content could have been better. In sum, we suggest that the organizers have to identify the goal of the festival and contribute to the establishment of communication networks, training system, participants’ attachment to the festival, and the advancement of the performing environments and activity quality.


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