  • 學位論文


System Usability Analysis of Mobile Tour Guides

指導教授 : 石岳峻


本研究目的是設計出旅遊景點行動導覽雛型系統之介面,並且進行使用性之調查。介面設計採用「資訊地景」概念,將旅遊景點數位化,並考量資訊、空間、與使用者三方面之交互作用,視旅遊景點與其相關旅遊資訊為節點,以拓樸地圖之概念來建構各個節點間之相互關係,作為介面設計的依據。使用性之調查採用雙因子研究設計,意即探討「觸控式與非觸控式手機的適用性(因子一)」與「3C電子產品高低使用經驗者對整體實驗任務的影響(因子二)」之間的關聯性。受測者先對九宮格介面進行操作,爾後填寫「SUS系統使用性尺度量表」與「工作負荷指標NASA-TLX 量表」。 研究結果如下:(1)整體而言,有八成的受測者認為本系統介面簡單易懂,且很容易上手使用;(2)女性進行此手機介面測試操作時,所感受到的挫折與使用障礙程度比男性還要高;(3)持「觸控式手機介面之測試者」較「持非觸控式手機介面之測試者」需耗費較多精力來學習操作此套系統介面,所感受到的挫折程度也較「持非觸控式手機介面之測試者」還高;(4)3C電子產品高經驗使用者在操作介面時不但較易理解整套系統,且擁有較高的操作效率;(5)但是兩種測試手機介面類型與高低經驗受測族群之間並沒有存在顯著之交互作用。


The aim of this research is to design a GUI (Graphical User Interface) of Mobile Tour Guides prototyping system and to verify the usability. GUI design adopted the concept of Information Landscape and Topology based on the interaction (information, space, and users), the nodes (tourist attractions information), and the relationship between nodes. According to the concepts mentioned above, we designed a GUI of the prototyping system and investigate the System Usability. This analysis adopts two factors factorial design, i.e., 2 (higher and lower 3C electronic devices user’s experience) x 2 (mobile device with touch screen and without touch screen). Participants were required to conduct interaction tasks of the Mobile Tour Guides prototyping system. After the experiment, participants were asked to fill out the questionnaires of System Usability Scale (SUS) and NASA-Task Load Index (TLX). The results revealed that: (1) In all respects, 80% participants stated that this GUI is easy to understand and use. (2) When female participants were required to conduct the interface tasks of mobile system, they have much more senses of frustration and obstacle than male participants do. (3) Participants who hold mobile device with touch screen will spend much more energy in learning this interface system and feel more frustrated than who hold mobile without touch screen. (4) Participants with higher 3C electronic devices user experience not only get the whole concept of the system, but have higher operating efficiency. (5) However, no significant differences are found for the interaction between two factors (higher / lower user’s experience and mobile device with / without touch screen).


