  • 學位論文


A study of the Relationship between Experiential Marketing and Customer Satisfaction─the Motels in Kaohsiung for Example

指導教授 : 郭德賓


摘要 本研究主要探討汽車旅館中的消費者的顧客滿意程度,並且運用Schmitt(1999)所提出的體驗行銷之五項體驗構面:感官、行動、情感、思考與關聯,做為預測顧客滿意模式的自變項,並以高雄市內三家汽車旅館分別代表:低、中、高價位與設備的汽車旅館,找出對於影響顧客滿意之各項因素,而對於經營管理上做出有效的貢獻。本研究所的得到的結果有四項:一、五項體驗構面對顧客滿意有顯著的正向影響。二、不同的旅館類別在顧客滿意上有顯著的差異。三、不同個人特質的汽車旅館消費者,分別以職業,每月所得,教育程度與同行伴侶在顧客滿意上有顯著的差異。


Abstract This study is to investigate the customer satisfaction for the motel consumers and uses the experience constructions dressed by Schmitt (1999) to predict affection factors of the customer satisfaction. There are five experience constructions─sense, act, think, feel, and relate─used as independent variables to predict customer satisfaction. The researcher chooses three motels in Koahsiung city, which present three different kinds of prices and designs from low class to high class, and finds out the factors that have an effect on customer satisfaction. Moreover, the research offers suggestions for experience marketing and improving management of motels. The research draws four conclusions as follows: 1. All of the experience constructions cause the positive remarkable effect to the customer satisfaction. 2. Different motels cause remarkable effect in costumer satisfaction. 3. Different customers’ personalities cause remarkable effect in customer satisfaction.


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