  • 學位論文


The research evaluation on ecotourism of Artificial Wetlands- A case study of the Da-Peng Bay National Scenic Area

指導教授 : 蕭登元
共同指導教授 : 黃榮鵬(Leo Huang)


濕地是地球相當重要生態系,但因人們對濕地的不瞭解,在經濟發展下,全球濕地正極速消失中。而以人工建造和控制運行的仿自然的人工濕地,不僅能有效淨化污水、廢水,尚且具有水環境改善、生態復育、景觀營造功能,至於是否可做為生態旅遊地,本研究以生態旅遊觀念為基礎,採模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method)找出人工濕地生態旅遊發展評估指標,在經過17位專家問卷評析後,本研究確立了生態資源、生態環境、管理服務、區位環境、旅遊發展等5個構面,共22 項評估項目,並依實際綜合評估數,區分為四等級分別為生態旅遊發展條件優(86分以上)、生態旅遊發展條係佳 (85~61)、生態旅遊發展條件普通 (60~41)、不適於發展生態旅遊 (≦40);並於蒐集相關調查資料及實地至大鵬灣人工濕地現場調查,完成大鵬灣人工濕地生態旅遊發展可行性評估,評估結果為「生態旅遊發展條件佳」(66.80分),各項構面的得分,以旅遊發展得分最高,顯示大鵬灣人工濕地具有生態旅遊發展條件;但在管理服務面向,所得分數最低,主要係因旅遊活動尚未開辦,相關解說服務、環境教育…等,尚未規劃執行,致所得分數降低。大鵬灣人工濕地未來之生態旅遊發展,宜著重在:1.在生態環境及生態資源上,必須強化棲地多樣性,以增加資源種類,並發展各濕地專屬特色,創造不同的生態旅遊體驗。2.管理服務上,透過在地化生態旅遊經營管理模式將社區與濕地相結合,由社區進行長期環境監測及濕地管理;設置「環境教育中心」,落實分眾導覽原則,針對不同遊客設計不同環境解說教育課程。4.在區域環境上,大鵬灣人工濕地位於國家風景區範圍內,旅遊發展政策明確,而且對外交通及濕地間交通聯繫,均有良好條件;唯需加強各濕地間自行車道相關設施,如遮蔭設備、車行動線等;5、旅遊發展層面,加速輔導當地社區參與人工濕地管理,提供就業機會,增加利益回饋;發展一社區一特色的生態旅遊模式,活化當地社區文化產業由於大鵬灣人工濕地位於國家風景區,旅遊發展目的偏向人為活動,至於生態旅遊發展,仍需要政府大力支持及協助。


The wetland is the most important eco-system on earth but it was rapidly disappeared because of economic development and people unknown its value. The artificial wetland is designed to improve the water environment, but there are many functions such as ecological conservation, the scenic establishment, environmental education and leisure. This study is aimed at finding the evaluative indicators of ecotourism development of the artificial wetlands. The Fuzzy Delphi method was used to find out the evaluative indicators and its weight. Through the questionnaire of 17 experts and scholars in three times, there are five parts in the evaluated framework include the eco-resources, eco-environment, management, location and the travel development and within the total of 22 indicators. Furthermore, the indicators were applying to evaluate the constructed wetlands in Da-peng Bay and found it has the grade of “good level” to be the ecotourism site (the evaluate score is 66.8). The travel development got the highest score among the five parts, which means the artificial wetlands in Da-peng Bay are suited to develop ecotourism. But the management got the lowest score, because there are not travel activities held in the artificial wetlands of Da-Peng Bay now and the interpretation and environmental education are under planning. As the result of research, the study case will strengthen the following work to develop ecotourism in the future: (1) Eco-environment and eco-resource: to strengthen the diversity of habitat, species of resource and the feature of each wetland. (2) Management: Establish the educational center of environment and design environmental educational courses for different eco-travelers. (3) Location: to strengthen the bikeway facilities between the wetlands, such as shelter, route. (4) Travel development: cooperate with the local community and train the resident to monitor the environment and manage the artificial wetlands, also to provide the work opportunities and increase benefit for the local communities.


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