  • 學位論文


A Study on the Development of Featuring Products and the Design of Experiencing Activities: A Case Study on the Greening Ranch

指導教授 : 曾裕琇


近年因消費者對於休閒樂活的意識提高及週休二日等影響,使得國民旅遊風氣逐漸盛行,各家休閒牧場開始提供國民多元化的休閒活動遊憩體驗,但卻缺乏品牌特色及專業流程且同質性偏高,導致開始面臨經營危機。本研究首先以消費者問卷調查及蒐集嘉義中埔鄉特色食材的方式,找出具中埔鄉及綠盈牧場代表性食材,進行新產品開發,並結合品牌設計、烘焙坊店面硬體設備規劃及體驗活動設計之標準化模組,期打造台灣休閒牧場具特色的主體鮮明意象。研究結果顯示:至綠盈牧場之遊客為21-50歲之族群,以南部及中部遊客最多,月收入主要分佈在20,000- 40,000元。第一次至綠盈牧場佔70%以上,至牧場遊玩的旅客以公司團體為最多,停留時間3小時以上;本研究以嘉義中埔鄉及綠盈牧場之特色食材如牛奶、石蓮花及黃金板栗等原料研發特色伴手產品-「阿蘭牛牛QQ糖」及「綠盈奶栗酥」,並建置其量產標準作業流程;並設計體驗活動-牛牛拼圖餅乾DIY、綠盈菇菇鹹塔DIY及綠盈鮮奶披薩DIY活動,建置DIY活動標準作業流程,期以本研究之開發模組成為台灣休閒產業特色商品開發及體驗活動設計之參考範例。


In recent years, consumers have been more conscious of the LOHAS recreation trend. Together with the convenience of two days off each week, people in Taiwan are more and more willing to travel around. Boosted by the trend, more and more leisure pastures started to provide citizens with various recreational activities. However, most of them were lack of brand names or characteristics. In addition, most of them were homogeneous. As a result, some of them were trapped in the managing crisis. Based on a questionnaire survey on the consumers and a data collection on the featuring food of Zhongpu Township in Ciayi County, this study aimed to find out the featuring food of Greening Pasture and then develop a new product. Together with the brand name design, the planning of the hardware facility of the bakery, and the design of the experiencing activities, a standard module was developed to create a bright image for a leisure pasture in Taiwan. The result showed that most visitors visiting Greening Pasture were people from southern Taiwan and central Taiwan whose age span was between 21 and 50, with an monthly income average of N.T.20000~40000. 70% of the visitors came here for the first time. Most of the visitors were group tourists, staying there for more than 3 hours. In this study, the locally-featured products such as milk, echeveria, and golden Chinese chestnuts were utilized to develop two featuring products: Ah Lan Niu Niu Candy and Greening milk-chestnut cake. In addition, a standard operation procedure of mass-producing these two featuring products was established. Moreover, a series of experiencing activities were designed, including DIY of Niu Niu biscuits, DIY of Greening mushroom quiche, and DIY of Greening milk pizza. It is hoped that the development module could be taken as a reference to the development of the featuring products and the design of experiencing activities in the leisure industry in Taiwan.




