  • 學位論文


A Study of Slow Food in Recreation Farm

指導教授 : 掌慶琳


近年來,區域交通建設改善,使得觀光風氣日漸興盛,休閒產業逐漸發達,各地與各式休閒農場亦逐漸興起美食觀光與慢食之風潮,舉凡使用在地食材、減少食物哩程等作法日漸受國人重視,但由於慢食概念在台灣剛萌芽,許多人尚不清楚此概念,或以為慢食僅是慢慢的吃。   從相關文獻得知,國內有關休閒農場之研究多為體驗行銷、滿意度等,較少針對休閒農場作慢食相關研究,遂引發研究興趣,期能瞭解休閒農場遊客所認知之美食觀光與慢食概念究竟為何,及其如何影響遊客飲食動機。為拓展吾人對此議題之瞭解,同時補充學術與實務之缺口,是以彙整本研究目的為:一、瞭解休閒農場遊客對慢食概念的認知;二、探討休閒農場遊客對於美食觀光之認知;三、探討休閒農場遊客用餐體驗之動機與慢食之關係。本研究採用內容分析法,透過深度訪談22位相關對象,包含3位業者、3位員工及16位遊客,經由訪談文本分析結果得知,遊客至休閒農場之用餐動機多為享受農場帶來的愉悅氛圍、怡人放鬆的環境、親切的服務態度與農場的獨特性。在慢食認知部份,遊客多數認為慢食是以緩慢步調及放鬆心情享受美食。


美食觀光 慢食 旅遊 飲食動機


In recent years, the transportation infrastructure had been improved. The growing development of leisure and tourism contributes to the incubation of the gastronomy tourism and slow food in leisure farm, such as using local ingredients and the reduction of food mileage, etc. Although the concept of slow food started in Taiwan a few years ago, many people still have unclear idea about slow food. From relevant literatures, little research has been discussed in slow food. This research, hence, aims to explore how gastronomy tourism and slow food are perceived in people’s mind and how it influences the motives of gastronomic tourists.   To understand this issue and fill the void between the academic and practical fields, therefore, the goals of this research are: (1) to understand the perceptions of slow food for tourists; (2) to realize the perceptions of gastronomy tourism for tourists; (3) to find out the relationship between the motives of tourists’ dining experiences and gastronomy tourism in leisure farms.   This research intends to use content analysis, through in-depth interviews with twenty-two interviewees including three bosses of the leisure farm, three employees and sixteen tourists. By analyzing the contents of transcribed texts of interviews, that many visitors perceive slow food is eating slowly, or that slow food is relaxing their mood to enjoy food. The dining motivations of leisure farm tourists are farm atmosphere, pleasant environment, friendly service attitude, and the uniqueness of farm. In the cognitive part of slow food, most tourists considered that slow food is enjoying the food at a slower pace and relaxing mood.


張淑雲(2008)。渡假時的飲食偏好:潛在的中國遊客到澳洲。運動與休閒餐旅研究Journal of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Research, 3(4),頁100-117。
沈進成、曾慈慧、蕭丹瑋(2010)。高峰型與維生型遊客的飲食觀光動機、吸引力、阻礙、滿意度與忠誠度影響關係之研究。運動休閒餐旅研究 Journal of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Research, 4(1), 63-95.
