  • 學位論文


Studies on the Physicochemical Properties and Filling Making Process of Banana

指導教授 : 徐永鑫


香蕉外表色澤依熟成程度分為1至7級,級數愈高代表熟成度愈高。在本研究中以台灣香蕉研究所(Taiwan Banana Research Institute)栽種之有機北蕉(Pei-Chiao)為原料,分析香蕉熟成過程中之堅實度、糖度、多酚氧化酵素(polyphenol oxidase)活性、過氧化酵素(peroxidase)活性、總酚類化合物與DPPH自由基清除效果變化。研究結果顯示,香蕉熟成過程中,多酚氧化酵素活性由第1級之0.04 U/g.fw增加至第7級之2.31 U/g.fw ;過氧化酵素活性由第1級之0.04 U/g.fw增加至第7級之1.90 U/g.fw,此酵素活性之增加,說明了成熟香蕉更易發生酵素性褐變作用。在抗氧化能力方面,DPPH自由基清除能力之IC50值由第1級116.97 mg/mL下降到第6級的51.46 mg/mL,此時具最佳抗氧化效果。 在蒸氣加熱香蕉泥之物化分析方面,蒸氣加熱到8 min時PPO殘留活性為2.70%、而POD殘留活性為4.17%;香蕉中心溫度為83 ℃;當蒸氣加熱到 10 min時PPO殘留活性僅存0.9%、POD則無殘留活性,此時香蕉中心溫度為87℃。隨著殺菁溫度之增加香蕉泥的b值(黃色度)、 θ值(色相角度)與C值(色彩濃度)數值也隨之上升,在外觀色澤上明顯保有明亮的黃色,跟市售組的色澤比起來也較亮黃。蒸氣加熱8 min的香蕉泥保留較多香蕉的香氣與風味,較適合作為香蕉泥蒸氣加熱的條件,也作為香蕉果餡最適加工的處理條件。在香蕉果餡的研究製程方面,糖會加深色彩的濃度,提高可溶性固形物含量,降低水活性所以當香蕉果餡的砂糖添加到40%時,水活性由0%之0.934降至40%之0.591,pH值為4.92並呈現出飽和且鮮明的黃色而且香氣濃郁,因此添加砂糖40%的比例很適合應用在果餡的製程中。在消費者的喜好度中,以添加砂糖40%和0.4%檸檬酸的香蕉酥,整體的接受性最高。


The ripening classification defines 7 stages by color index, the higher stage stands for higher ripeness. In this study, bananas were ripened at 20 ℃, 90% RH for 20 days to evaluate the effects of ripening on firmness, polyphenol oxidase activity, peroxidase activity, total phenolic contents and DPPH free radical scavenging ability. Results showed that the firmness decreased and total soluble solid contents increased during ripening periods. Polyphenol oxidase activity increased from 1st stage of 0.04 U/g.fw to 7th stage of 2.31 U/g.fw, and peroxidase activity increased from 1st stage of 0.04 U/g.fw to 7th stage of 1.90 U/g.fw. The increasing of enzyme activity illustrated that bananas caused enzymatic Maillard reaction easier during ripening. With respect to antioxidative activity, the IC50 value of DPPH free radical scavenging ability decreased from 1st stage of 116.97 mg/mL to 6th stage of 51.46 mg/mL, and this stage with best antioxidative activity. Regarding to the physicochemical analysis of the steam-heated banana puree, the residual activity of PPO was 2.70% and the residual activity of POD was 4.17% , also the banana center temperature reached to 83℃ after banana heating for 8min. Furthermore, the residual activity of PPO was 0.9% and the residual activityof POD was 0% , also the banana center temperature reached to 87℃ after banana heating for 10min. Both enzyme activity was inhibited so the banana b value (yellowness), θvalue (hue angle) and C values (chroma) were higher after steam heating treatment. Compared with commercial banana puree, our puree showed more bright yellow in appearance color. The banana puree that steam-heated for 8min, reserved more banana aroma and flavor and suited for banana filling processing. Adding sugar increased the chroma value, total soluble solids, and decreased water activity. When added 40% sugar, pH value of banana filling was 4.92 and the water activity decreased from 0.934 to 0.591. It’s appearance showed bright yellow and full of aroma. In our studies, banana cakes adding 40% sugar and 0.4% citric acid showed highest overall acceptability.


