  • 學位論文


A study on the Work stress sources, Consequences and Coping strategies of Taiwan airport ramp ground staff

指導教授 : 王穎駿


機坪安全是目前全球飛航安全的重大課題,而機坪勤務人員又是機坪作業的關鍵角色,相對於其他與飛機操作直接相關的人員,他們更經常處在惡劣環境及時間壓力下作業,此類人員工作之艱辛致使其成為一項高壓力的職業。本研究針對國內航勤公司機坪勤務人員進行調查,採用文獻及訪談歸納之壓力問卷量表,運用統計分析方法,以發掘機坪勤務人員的工作壓力源、因應策略及其壓力結果之關係。研究結果顯示:不同背景變項(性別、年齡、年資、學歷、職務及工作內容)的機坪勤務人員對於工作壓力源皆有顯著差異;不同背景變項(性別、年齡、學歷及工作內容)的機坪勤務人員對於因應策略有顯著差異;不同背景變項(性別、年齡、職務及工作內容)的機坪勤務人員對於壓力結果有顯著差異;工作壓力源與因應策略及壓力結果之間皆呈現正相關;因應策略與壓力結果之間呈現負相關。 本研究成果期望能使民航主管機關重視機坪勤務人員的高風險作業情境,並提供航空業者進行員工壓力管理的參考,減少因職業工作壓力導致之機坪事件及傷亡,並增進飛航安全。


Airport ramp safety becomes an essential topic in global aviation safety. Airport ramp ground staff is a key role in the ramp operation, compared to other directly associated with aircraft operations staff, the ramp ground staff are more often work in harsh environments and under time pressure, such that becomes a high pressure career. The research objects are airport ground staff in Taiwan. The questionnaire was designed according to literature review and pre-test interviews. In addition, the researcher utilized random sampling survey tools. The returned questionnaire was collected and statistic analysis methods were applied to get the research result to testify the research hypothesis. The results shows: the airport ramp ground staff’ work stress source had notable differences due to the sex, age, work experienced, education, job position and job content; the airport ramp ground staff’ coping strategy had notable differences due to the sex, age, education and job content; the airport ramp ground staff’ stress consequences had notable differences due to the sex, age, job position and job content; the relationship between airport ramp ground staff work stress source and their stress coping strategies showed positive correlations; the relationship between airport ramp ground staff work stress source and their stress consequences showed positive correlations; the relationship between airport ramp ground staff stress coping strategies and their stress consequences showed negative correlations.


王穎駿(2006)。我國機場安檢人員工作壓力及其因應策略研究。運輸計劃季刊 ,35(1),29-58。
李君如與張芸愷(2007)。國際航線女性空服員身心健康與工作壓力之研究。健康管理學刊,5(1),1 -23。
