  • 學位論文


A Study of Effect Factors Affecting Food & Beverage Information System Implementation into Chinese Restaurant

指導教授 : 劉聰仁


本論文目的在探討中式餐廳導入餐飲資訊系統之影響因素,以及建立各項影響因素的權重體系與重要度排序,並運用研究結果給予中式餐廳業者與資訊軟體公司建議。本論文運用問卷調查與專家訪談進行影響因素初稿之建構,進行重要性分析增刪影響因素,以建構出第二階段問卷。第二階段問卷樣本採滾雪球抽樣,發放專家學者來填答。最後使用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)來對各影響因素做權重分析,以確認各項因素之相對權重,排序出其重要性。研究結果內容包括第二層級:系統使用者、專案的管理、資訊部門或系統廠商的因素、餐廳組織環境、資訊技術、餐廳的企業高層管理,和工作與任務共七大構面,並延伸出18項第三層級影響因素;結果發現餐廳的企業高層管理、專案的管理、餐廳組織環境為目前最為重要之影響因素。第三層級又以高階主管的支持、專案團隊的合作、使用者人口變數、專案的規劃,與外在環境為重要之影響因素。最後提出研究建議,可供中式餐廳與資訊業者進行導入時的參考。


This study aimed to explore the effect factors affecting food & beverage information system implementation into Chinese restaurant, established the weight system of factors and an important degree of order, and applied research findings to give Chinese restaurant industry and information system software company recommendations. In this study used the interviews with experts to conduct a questionnaire survey of factors affecting the construction of the first draft. After the importance analyzing, got the result of influence factors in order to construct the second phase of the questionnaire. Snowball sampling of the questionnaire was adopted, responded by experts and academics in industries. At last, used the Analytic Hierarchy Process method to analyze the impact of various weights of the factors to confirm the relative weight of various factors, and sort out its importance. The results included second- hierarchy: system users, project management, IT department or system vendor factors, organizational environment of restaurants, information technology, corporate senior management of restaurant, and work & task in a total of seven dimensions. Third-hierarchy extended 18 factors was found that the restaurant's corporate senior management, project management, restaurant organizational environment for the present the most important factor. The most important factors were the support for high-level executives, project team collaboration, users of demographic variables, project planning, and the external environment. Finally, submitted research recommendation for Chinese restaurants and information industry to import reference.


劉宗其、李奇勳、黃吉村、渥頓(2001)。服務失誤類型、補償措施與再惠顧率之探索性研究¬¬-以CIT法應用於餐飲業為例。管理評論,20(1), 65-97。


