  • 學位論文


Who are The Successor ? Study on the Training Plan of Management Trainees of International Tourist Hotels

指導教授 : 黃啟揚


餐旅業入行門檻低,以往有許多組織都是以土法煉鋼的師徒制做為訓練的方式,然而在市場競爭不斷的環境中,企業的經營更需要擁有具有專業能力的經理人,因此, 許多企業為了培訓具有專業能力的接班人,紛紛引進了儲備幹部之培訓制度,人才培育的工作成為企業永續經營的重要因素。 本研究採質性研究訪談的歸納分析,並將訪談內容以逐字稿建檔。了解國內實施儲備幹部培訓計劃的現況,分析不同企業文化背景在推行時之內容、執行之方式的差異以及影響儲備幹部制度實施成效的因素。 本研究發現依不同的計劃,訓練的時間約六個月至二年,該期間內安排密集的培訓計劃,在旅館內各個部門做輪調訓練(Rotation),讓受訓者可在短時間內了解旅館各部門的運作狀況,以利日後執行管理工作之決策。 雖儲備幹部培訓計劃在不同的企業文化之下,但最終的期待都是相同 的,然而在實施方面卻有著不同的方式。究其原因可發現較為國際化的企 業通常擁有較完整及明確的架構、升遷管道及海外輪調機會,因此在人才 培育上有較大的優勢。


Various organizations tend to train their employees by applying traditional mentor-apprentice method. However,ongoing competitive business environment have forced enterprises to recruited more professional managers. Therefore,many enterprises have introduced Management Trainee Programs to nurture future predecessors and such program has become one of the most crucial factors for sustainable operations. Inductive analysis was applied for this study. Contents of interview were filed using verbatim transcription in order to comprehend current condition of the deployment of management trainee program, and also to analyze how the differences of entrepreneurial cultural background can influence the operation and results of such programs. The findings of this study indicated that the training period of such programs last from 6 months to 2 years according to the contents. Highly concentrated plans enable trainees to learn from rotation in order to get in-depth knowledge concerning the operations of various departments within a hotel. It will also benefit the decisions making process for future operation. Although Management Trainee Programs vary under various business practices, however, the expectations remain the same. The different practices may due to the scales of such enterprises. International enterprises tend to have more complete and clear structures, promotion ladders, and opportunities for overseas assignments, which brings more advantages.


