  • 學位論文


Study on The Taste Analysis and Situation Pairing of Beer

指導教授 : 張明旭


在台灣加入世界貿易組織(WTO)後,台灣的啤酒市場迅速湧進各國各式各樣的啤酒,在地的台灣啤酒以及青島啤酒也不斷推陳出新。本研究目的為(1)建立家庭式(Homemade)自釀啤酒的參考標準流程。(2)以訓練型品評員,運用感官品評技術比較國產啤酒與進口啤酒風味的差異。(3)運用消費者品評及Principal Components Analysis(PCA)分析技術分析不同種類啤酒與不同情境的配適度。本研究目的中的(2)與(3)有八種啤酒樣品,包括Lager型六種、Ale型兩種,Lager型啤酒主要又分成台灣兩款、日本兩款、歐洲兩款。訓練型品評員由16位訓練挑選出10位,進行0¬至15分強度分析,包括顏色、苦味、碳酸味(氣泡感)、酒精味、水果味、花香味、辛辣味、炭烤味及酒體(整體感)等風味。再以主成分分析法進行八種樣酒和感官風味的相對位置關係。在消費者品評部分,以120份有效問卷進行八種樣品酒及六種情境搭配,包括食物搭配、地點搭配、時間搭配、時機搭配、生理搭配及心理搭配。採七分法進行喜好程度評分。再以主成分分析不同類啤酒與不同情境的配適度。經由本研究分析結果可提供工商相關產業界產品行銷或即將推出新品做為產、學界參考依據。


Various kinds of foreign beers have rushed into the beer market ever since Taiwan became one of the WTO members. Moreover, Taiwan locally-made beers and Tsingtao Beer have also developed new flavors at the same time. This study aimed (1) how to brew homemade beer and try to suggest the standard operating procedure of it, (2) to compare the tastes of locally-made beers with those of foreign ones on their intensity of sensory attributes by a trained panel with sensory evaluation, (3) to apply the consumers’ test and PCA (Principal Component Analysis) to analyze how different kinds of beers go with different circumstances. As for the above aims (2) and (3), eight beer samples were used, including six of Lager and two of Ale. Six beer samples of Lager were composed of two Taiwanese beers, two Japanese, and two European ones. A trained panel of ten was chosen out of sixteen. The panel analyzed intensity or strength of sensory attributes from level zero to fifteen, which included colors, bitter taste, carbonic taste (bubble taste), alcoholic taste, fruit taste, spicy taste, charbroiled taste, and all together as the whole. Next, eight beer samples were analyzed for the correlation of their principal components and the sensory attributes they have. In addition, the consumers’ survey, 120 efficient questionnaires were conducted. The survey aimed at investigating how these eight beer samples go with six circumstances, including the food choice, location, time, timing, physical condition, and psychological condition, which were done with customers’ preference test (7-point Likert Scale). Then the survey went further to analyze the principal components of the eight beer samples with regard to situation pairing. The results of this study may provide the references of beer marketing or the promotion of new beer products, and for the basis reference of related academic research.


吳明隆(2003),SPSS 統計應用學時實務,台灣,知城數位科技股份有限公司。
段國仁(2008) ,微型啤酒廠技術與台灣的發展現況,化工,55(4),38-45。
