  • 學位論文


Natal or conjugal family? The interaction between Southeast Asian female migrants and their mother-in-laws

指導教授 : 林開忠


隨著跨國婚姻形成的熱潮,新移民女性與日俱增,新移民女性儼然成為台灣的第五大族群。然而,台灣人對於來自東南亞貧窮國家人民的歧視,經由婚姻仲介業者與媒體強化後,讓台灣人雖然相繼迎娶這些女子為妻,在婚姻關係形成之初,即對他們的配偶抱持控制、不信任的態度;相較於台灣婆媳,目前台灣的婆婆對於外籍媳婦的控制權顯然大得多,這種情形顯然和媳婦的種族與經濟背景有很大的關係。尤其在新移民女性在婆媳間無血緣與情感的基礎,身處在台灣傳統婆尊媳卑的家庭地位中,會產生何種婆媳問題與衝突,此外,在夫家經濟地位強勢主導下,台灣婆婆又會用怎樣的心態對待外籍媳婦,這是一項值得我們關注的議題。 因此,本文以桃園縣觀音鄉十二位東南亞籍女性配偶作為研究對象,從新移民女性觀點出發,採取質性研究,從跨國婚姻的婆媳互動關係層面著眼,瞭解婆媳互動過程中動態關係如何形成與演變,希冀交織出跨國婚姻中婆媳互動的真實樣貌。本文以家庭結構中最主要的縱向及橫向關係,包括家務的分工、傳宗接代的壓力、父母的照顧責任,此外還有新移民女性面對衝突時的行為模式等面向的來形塑跨國婆媳關係。 研究發現多數的新移民女性與台灣婆婆的相處並不融洽,由於台灣婆婆會持著夫家的經濟優勢,往往扮演著父權家庭結構的再製者,強勢的主導外籍媳婦的家務決策權與生育權,與嵌入傳統媳婦的責任,引發婆媳間的衝突。然而,新移民女性也會因族群文化差異無法認同,而產生長期的心理壓力,甚至衍生出反抗、逃脫的策略。


With the newly formed international marriage fever, new female migrants increase numerically and become the fifth major “ethnic group” in Taiwan. However, certain racial discrimination on Southeast Asian female migrants becomes strengthen through the propagation of mass media in Taiwan has affected some local people to hold a dominating and distrust attitude towards their foreign spouses at the beginning of their marriage. In addition to this, a traditionally dominance of Taiwanese mother-in-laws on the foreign daughter-in-laws is obviously associated with racial as well as economic background of the latter, especially when there is no blood and affection existed between Southeast Asian female migrants and theirs mother-in-laws. What kind of issues and conflicts will rise between Southeast Asian female migrants and Taiwanese mother-in-laws in this unbalance dominate-subordinate familial hierarchy? Moreover, under the strong dominance of conjugal family economically, how will Taiwanese mother-in-laws treat their foreign daughter-in-laws and how the latter react is an interesting issue to investigate. In this thesis, 12 Southeast Asian female spouses of Kuan-Yin, Taoyuan County were selected as research objects. By using qualitative research which focuses on the life experiences of the female migrants there, the thesis explores the dynamic relationship between Taiwanese mother-in-laws and foreign daughter-in-laws, and discusses the latter’s reaction to the intended domination of the former. The thesis also investigates the vertical and horizontal relations within the cross-border marriages’ family structure; including sharing of household chores, pressure of having a son to carry on the family name, responsibility of parents caring, behavior model of new female migrants while facing a conflict so as to deal with the relationship between Southeast Asian female migrants and their mother-in-laws. In In conclusion, this thesis discovers that most of the new female migrants did not get along well with their Taiwanese mother-in-laws, owing to the economic advantage of conjugal family, Taiwanese mother-in-laws play an important role of reproducing patriarchal family, where they strongly dominate the decision of household chores and birth right, also, being responsible for taking care of their father-in-laws and daughter-in-laws, will lead to a conflict between daughter-in-laws and mother-in-laws. However, the female migrants response with long-term pressure mentally due to cultural differences and even come up with resistance and escaping strategies.




