  • 學位論文


Exploring mothering experiences-Using case studies of mothers of children with learning disabilities.

指導教授 : 林妙容


本研究旨在探討母職經驗-以學習障礙兒童母親為例。透過深入訪談,瞭解家有學障兒童母親的母職經驗。研究目的有;瞭解學障兒童母親面對子女之反應、瞭解學障兒童母親面對子女之困擾及學障兒童母親面對子女之因應。   本研究採深度訪談,將訪談內容轉成文本加以分析。本研究參與者是五位學障子女母親,子女診斷為學習障礙患者發現年齡為小一至小五。   本研究發現如下: 一、學習障礙通常在子女入學後才能發現。 二、學習障礙具有多重性障礙特徵。 三、學障子女在學習路上有相當的困擾。 四、學障子女的社會適應較差,自我概念偏低。 五、母親一知子女學障內心情緒複雜多樣。 六、母親與學障子女在學習互動上有相當的困擾。 七、母親的支持是提升學障子女的關鍵。 八、母親心態的調適才能心平氣和的與子女相處。 關鍵字:學習障礙、母職經驗


學習障礙 母職經驗


This study aimed to investigate the motherhood experience of mothers with learning disabled children.Through in-depth interviews, to get an understanding of the experience of mothers with children with learning disabilities.   The purpose of the study is to understand the mothers’ reaction upon discovering that their child has a learning disability; to understand the dilemma faced by the mothers, and to understand how the mothers cope with their child’s learning disability.   This study collected information through in-depth interviews which is later transcribed for use in data analysis. The study participants include five mothers, each with a child who has been diagnosed with a learning disability. The children’s ages range between one to five.   The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The child’s learning disability is often discovered only after the child enrolls in school. 2. There are common characteristics and signs in the various types of learning disabilities. 3. The child with a learning disability faces considerable distress in his /her learning experience. 4. The learning disabled child’s adaptation to the society is weaker. The child also experiences a lower self-concept. 5. Upon discovery that her child has a learning disability, the mother often experiences layers of emotional complexity. 6. The mother and the learning disabled child experience considerable distress in their interaction during teaching and learning. 7. The mother's support to the learning disabled child is key in improving the child’s learning skills. 8. In order for the mother to interact with the child calmly, there needs to be an adjustment in her mindset and perception. Key words: Learning disability, motherhood experience


Marcia Kaye 撰。學障兒成長路。讀者文摘 第200905期
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