  • 學位論文


A study of Investigation of School Barrier-Free Environment Facilities -Take Taichung County as an Example

指導教授 : 楊振昇


論文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解臺中縣校園無障礙環境設施之調查研究。研究對象為臺中縣學校利害關係人訪談計20人,中小學教育人員計1,250人。研究採訪談、問卷調查方式進行,依據調查結果及資料分析,其研究結論如下: 一、臺中縣學校教育人員認為,校園無障礙環境整體現況約有40.48%符合標準,以無障礙停車位、昇降設備(電梯)、公共設施及設備等三項符合標準具中間程度。 二、臺中縣學校教育人員指出,校園無障礙環境優先改善設施項目有昇降設備(電梯)、逃生設備、扶手、身心障礙廁所、坡道、無障礙標示等,需求改善較高。 三、校園無障礙環境設施改善及勘檢,對於校務運作及規劃、教學服務型態有所影響。 四、普通學校的無障礙環境達到完備後,特教學生融合到普通教室的可能性就愈高,且執行性與接受性就愈高。 五、臺中縣身心障礙學生之回歸個案安置,其無障礙環境設施考慮周詳,惟樓層較高,未符合建築設計規則的要求。 六、臺中縣身心障礙學生之回歸個案安置,可作為校園無障礙環境之實驗教室示範學校,可強化家長對回歸普通學校的信實感。 七、臺中縣學校教師認為,目前校園無障礙環境設施之規格、品質各有差異,其意見多為設施數量不足、逃生設施或導引設施設置不夠完備。 八、進行校園整體規劃時,應要求建築師妥為列入無障礙環境設計,並以獎勵代替罰款,以避免未能取得建築物使用執照延誤結案。


Abstract This study aims to investigate the barrier-free environment facilities at schools in Taichung County. Interviews were conducted with 20 stakeholders and 1,250 staff at primary and secondary schools in Taichung County. The research was carried out through interviews and questionnaires. Based on the survey and data analysis, the research conclusions are as follows: Overall, according to school educators in Taichung County, approximately 40.48% of the existing campus facilities comply with accessibility standards. Among them, parking spaces, lifting equipment (elevators), and public facilities and equipments fall on the intermediate level. 2. School educators in Taichung County indicate that higher priorities to enhance campus accessibility should be placed on lifting equipment (elevators), emergency evacuation equipment, handrails, accessible washrooms, ramps, signage, etc. 3. Improving and inspecting campus accessibility has an impact on the administration and planning of schools as well as styles of teaching services. 4. Once ordinary schools are fully equipped with barrier-free facilities, the likelihood of students with disabilities being integrated into ordinary classrooms is higher, and so are the actual practice and public acceptance. 5. The inclusion placement of students with disabilities in Taichung County is executed properly in barrier-free environments except for the height of the buildings which does not meet the requirements of building code standards. 6. The inclusion placement of students with disabilities on barrier-free campuses in Taichung Country can be model demonstrations of experimental classrooms for other schools. On the other hand, it strengthens parents' faith in inclusion in ordinary schools 7. School teachers in Taichung County consider that the specifications and quality of the existing campus facilities vary. Most think that the number of facilities are insufficient, and emergency evacuation equipment and guiding facilities are incomplete. 8. While conducting campus planning, architects should include the design of barrier-free environment. In addition, providing architects with rewards instead of penalties in order not to delay obtaining building use permits.


Taichung County mobility accessibility survey


內政部統計司(2008)。內政部統計年報4-10 發展遲緩兒童早期療育服務個案通報概況。民國 2008 年 12 月 24 日,擷取自:http://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/year.aspx 4-10
內政部統計司(2008)。內政部統計年報04-19 身心障礙者人數按致殘成因分。民國 2008 年 12 月 24 日,擷取自:http://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/year.aspx
內政部統計司(2008)。內政部統計年報04-18 身心障礙者人數按年齡與障礙等級分 。民國 2008 年 12 月 24 日,擷取自:http://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/year.aspx
