  • 學位論文


A Comparison of the Housing Policies of Singapore and Taiwan

指導教授 : 嚴智宏


近年來,全球面臨經濟不景氣,我國也不能倖免,為了挽救經濟衰退所產生的危機,各國紛紛提出許多社會福利政策,希望能改善人民的生活,提高生活品質以降低經濟問題所帶來的社會問題。在社會福利相關政策中,住宅政策是極為重要的一部分,它具有穩定經濟、安定社會的功能,長久以來,一直是各國政府所努力的方向。近年來我國亦積極推動公共住宅的相關政策,希望藉由政策的推廣,促使人民皆能擁有屬於自己的房子,但數年來實施的結果卻依舊是成效不彰,無法達成預定目標。 反觀新加坡政府在推行社會福利政策所興建的公共住宅上效果卓越,成為全球注目的焦點,其所成功的關鍵,正是許多學者所研究之重要課題。適逢我國近來正積極尋求解決住宅問題之方法,以改善整體住宅政策,若能參酌新加坡公共住宅成功經驗,加以借鏡,以彌補政策之缺失,便能更迅速地達成原定目標,協助國民改善居住問題。 本研究分析文獻資料,交互比對,找出新加坡政府與我國在公共住宅政策法規制定、住宅規劃、計畫內容、施行展望等處之異同,以探討兩國在公共住宅政策上的優劣處,做為我國施行住宅政策上修正及反思的方向。


社會福利 新加坡 臺灣 住宅政策


Recently, Taiwan has involved in the trend of global economic recession. The other countries, which suffer from this circumstance, propose different kinds of welfare policies in order to solve the problem caused by the recession, hoping to improve residents’ life quality. Housing policy is the most important part in welfare policy owing to its function of stabilizing economy and society; and it has been the direction that all the governments working on for a long time. Taiwan also promoted some related policies of public housing in the past years, hoping to help residents have their own houses. However, the result is not satisfactory. Nevertheless, the effect of public housing completed by Singaporean government is outstanding, becoming a focus all over the world. The key point of its success also becomes the main subject studied by lots of researchers. If Taiwanese government can take the successful experience of public housing made by Singapore as a reference to modify the disadvantage of the welfare policy, Taiwan can reach the target of assisting the residents to improve the situations more efficiently since now Taiwan is looking for the solution of public housing. This research analyzed and cross-checked the literature to find out the similarities and differences of the regulations, plans, and implements of public housing policies between Singapore and Taiwan in order to investigate the advantages and disadvantages. It is hoped that this research could be helpful to the public housing policies of Taiwan.


Social Welfare Singapore Taiwan Housing Policies


1. 王世燁、盧建霖、葉峻宏,2012,〈新加坡組屋政策成功之實地考察分析〉,《土地研究季刊》,第11期,卷1,頁30-44。
2. 王清海,2004,〈我國國民住宅政策之研究─以台北市為例〉,台北市:國立臺北科技大學土木與防災研究所碩士論文。
3. 王朝清,1986,〈我國國民住宅政策執行之評估〉,台北市:國立政治大學公共行政學研究所碩士論文。
4. 內政部營建署,2011,《基石:營建署30年實錄》,台北市:內政部營建署。
5. 米復國,1988,〈臺灣的住宅政策:「國民住宅計畫」之社會學分析〉,台北市:國立臺灣大學土木工程學研究所博士論文。


