  • 學位論文


The Trade of Taiwan in terms of Gold/Silver Value: 1624-2008

指導教授 : 徐茂炫


本文將突破傳統文獻探討方式,利用金銀價格為計價基礎,另外架構出臺灣四百年來的貿易資料,並以此分析臺灣地區整體的貿易發展變化。 綜合本文之分析,我們可以發現,在清領時代以前,其貿易變化的解釋程度相對較高,其中荷據時代對外貿易的估計結果,與文獻所呈現之貿易變化大致相符;然自清末開港通商以後,因近代金融體制的確立,使金銀價格變化相對劇烈,今重新以金銀計價後,所得之結論相對於以當代貨幣計價之結果,有些許的不同。然經由此一貨幣轉換,我們可以將各時期貿易相互串連,並進而以跨時期的方式重新分析臺灣地區的對外貿易發展狀況。


The subject in this thesis is a preliminary statistical table of trade of Taiwan over the last four centuries. The themes contain how the statistical table was structured and how the systems of money/trade of Taiwan developed. Through the agency of built table, there are two interesting issues discovered. One of all, the development of trade has higher interpretational power in Great Qing ago, especially in the reign of European settlement. But after the last years of Qing dynasty, along the financial systems was established, the conclusion is different in ours than in traditional. However, by the transformation of gold/silver value, we can still surmount the summit of previous literatures, and re-analysis the trade of Taiwan by the research method which across reigns and ages.


Chandler, L. V. 1964. The Economics of Money and Banking, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Huang Fu-san, Lin Man-houng & Ang Kaim 1997. Maritime Customs Annual Returns and Reports of Taiwa:, 1867-1895, Taipei: Academia Sinica Press.
José María Alvarez(原著),李毓中、吳孟真(譯),《西班牙人在臺灣(1626-1642)》,南投:國史館臺灣文獻館,2006:12。
