  • 學位論文

行銷通路委外影響因素之研究--- 以台灣電信系統商為例

The Influential Factors of Marketing Channel Sourcing Case Studies in Taiwanese Telecommunication Industry

指導教授 : 黃佑安


論文摘要 本研究的範圍為選定了五家全省性規模之電信系統商,擬以質性深度訪談方式,針對這五家全省性電信系統商行銷部門主管或人員,試圖透過訪談的過程來了解當前電信系統商的行銷通路委外程度與委外方式等等…並對各電信系統商直營通路與委外通路策略發展,及對委外通路的控制力、委外通路成本考量、委外通路功能服務複雜性、系統商服務功能客製化等等…之關係。 經研究調查與整理,希望對於未來有意研究電信系統商行銷通路委外相關議題者,提供一套初步的評估工具,方便對於電信系統商行銷通路委外的決策做為參考之依據。 本研究目的為: 一、探討台灣電信系統商的通路結構。 二、探討影響台灣電信系統商選擇行銷通路委外的影響因素。 委外服務的領域和範圍越來越大,像是企業通路委外、應用服務的提供、全球外包、研發外包和網路外包等(Huang et al. ,2009)。企業功能委外中,在過去文獻中,大多數為物流、資訊、製造、或人力委外等,乃至於研發委外,但行銷委外則少人談及。我們將行銷通路委外定義為企業將內部功能中的行銷通路營運切割出來,將行銷通路之營運轉移給外部廠商,使產品或服務更易被消費者使用的目標。本研究擬先以訪談方式調查受訪電信系統商的委外現況再依據質性深度訪談方式,探討各電信系統商的現況及其採行策略與影響其電信系統商委外程度相關探討因素。 研究結果顯示:隨著行動電話用戶市場的成長,電信系統商逐漸增加對委外通路的控制力(代理商門市比例下降,加盟店門市比例上揚)、系統商可以增加對委外加盟店的控制力外,委外加盟店能增加系統商的展店收入,也是加盟店數增加的原因、電信系統商提供的服務愈是客製化,愈無法透過委外通路商銷售、委外通路商執行的業務複雜性比直營門市為低、有服務收入的服務項目可委由通路商執行,無收入的服務項目只透過直營門市執行。 關鍵字: 電信系統商行銷通路委外、委外通路的控制力、委外通路成本考量、委外 通路功能服務複雜性、系統商服務功能客製化。


Abstract This study has selected five island-wide telecom system providers and through method of qualitative interview in the attempy to understand the degree or the methods of outsourcing marketing channels in the current telecom system providers and the relationship between strategy development for direct distributors and outsourcing channels. In addition, control over outsourcing channels, price factors in outsourcing consideration, complexity of outsourcing services and customized service function for telecom system providers are also analyzed. After investigation and data collection, we provide a preliminary assessment tool as a basic reference to facilitate telecom system providers on decision-making of outsourcing channels. This also serves as a reference for those who are interested in outsourcing marketing channel related topics in the future. The objectives of this study are: 1. To explore Taiwan's telecom system business channel structure; 2. To explore important factors in choosing outsourcing marketing channels for Taiwan's telecom system providers. The scope and sphere of outsourcing services are getting broader, such as enterprise outsourcing channels, application services, global outsourcing, R & D outsourcing and network outsourcing (Huang et al., 2009). From related literature, the majority of outsourcing functions are: logistics, IT, manufacturing, or human resource and R & D outsourcing. However, there is little literature discussing marketing outsourcing. We define marketing outsourcing channel by organizations no longer owning an internal marketing operation and the marketing operation is transferred to outsourcing channels to make product or services more user friendly in consumer aspects. . In this study, we interviewed telecom system providers in order to understand the status of outsourcing business and then use in-depth qualitative interview to explore the conditions for each telecom system provider and identify related factors affected by the degree of outsourcing adoption. We reach the following conclusion: with the growth of mobile phone market, telecom system providers obtain increasing control over the outsourcing channels (e.g. declining proportion of agent outlets and higher proportion of franchise outlets). The other reason for increasing number of franchise stores is that outsourcing franchise stores can increase revenue for system providers on store expansion. The more customized services that a telecom system provider can supply, the more difficulty it is to be sold through outsourcing channels. We found that the complexity of outsourcing channel's business opeartion is lower than directly managed stores, and the service items with charge can be opearted by outsourcing channels, those free-of-charge service items can only be operated through the direct managed stores. Keywords: outsourcing marketing channel for telecom system outsourcing channel controlling force, outsourcing channel cost considerations, the complexity of outsourcing services, customized business services of system providers


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