  • 學位論文


A study on the parent-child relationship in the upper class of Singapore through three movies:Just Follow The Law. Money No Enough II. I Not Stupid Too directed by Jack Neo

指導教授 : 利亮時


新加坡導演梁智強的電影一向很能反映基層社會的心聲,本研究用梁智強三部電影【我在政府部門的日子】、【錢不夠用2】、【小孩不笨2】來研究新加坡菁英社會中的親子關係,同時重新定義一個講求菁英國家的社會如何兼顧親子關係。三部電影將菁英社會所隱含的某些問題(如:孝順方式、醫療問題、保險制度、升學主義)除了一一點明外,也從電影告訴觀賞者:「一個社會的組成並不只有「菁英」,所謂的「非菁英」社會也必須同樣重視,過度忽略差異,只會帶來更多的對立及衝突」。 本研究以文本分析的方式來探討影片的內容,將電影中有關菁英的影像脈絡相結合,以瞭解其發展過程,並分析這三部電影的內容與元素,逐步分析做綜合性討論,以便和親子關係做連結。 藉由本論文的研討,菁英社會中的親子關係能被更加重視,將是本論文最大的收獲。


梁智強 親子關係


The Singaporean director Jack Neo is good at depicting the lives of grass-roots groups in Singapore. In this study, the movies “Just Follow The Law,” “Money No EnoughⅡ,” and “I not Stupid Too” directed by Jack Neo will be analyzed for discussing the problems of parent-child relationship in the elite groups in Singapore. The core of the discussion will be how elite groups that overly emphasize exam-oriented education to have harmonious parent-child relationship? Though the movies, director Jack Neo not only pointed out the problems of filial piety and fraternal duty, healthcare system, insurance system, and exam-oriented education in Singaporean elite groups, but also told audience that there will be more conflicts and contradiction in a society if people value only the elite groups but neglect others. This study used textual analysis method for discussing the movies, observing the images of elite people that the movies depicted so as to understand the history and development of them. The analysis will be focused on the parent-child relationship in the elite groups. Through this study, I hope the problems of the parent-child relationship in the elite groups can be noticed by people and thus enhanced.


Jack Neo parent-child relationship


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Noel Burch著,李天鐸、劉現成譯,1997年《電影的理論與實踐》。台北:遠流出版社。
Robert Stam著,陳儒修、郭幼龍譯,2002年。《電影理論解讀》。台北:遠流出版社。
Natalie Zemon Davis著,陳榮彬譯,2002年。《奴隸、電影、歷史》。台北:左岸出版社。
