  • 學位論文


Study on Approach for Vulnerability Analysis of Disaster-resistant Community with Potential Large-scale Landslide Hazard

指導教授 : 陳皆儒
共同指導教授 : 劉家男(Chia-Nan Liu)


灣約有三分之二的面積屬於山坡地位於地震帶上,加上極端氣候的因素,強降雨情形發生機率高,導致災害現象頻繁,從過去常見的洪水、土石流、淺層崩塌災害外,到近期大規模崩塌、堰塞湖等複合式新型態災害,恐造成山區部落嚴重的災害威脅。水土保持局在氣候變遷下大規模崩塌防減災計畫第一期中針對,過往已發生災害、具有災害高潛勢、地表有位移滑動趨勢之34處風險較高大規模崩塌潛勢區,訂定雨量警戒值,優先辦理自主防災社區,協助社區建立自主防災組織,針對社區面臨颱風豪雨事件時,輔導自主防災組織分工與災況情境應變模擬,並透過實作演練等方式,提升居民災害意識,以減少極端氣候帶來的災害衝擊。 由於大規模崩塌潛勢區之村里自然條件與人文條件不同,故建立合適的自主防災社區運作模式,才能將有限的防災資源運用到有需求的村里,促使自主防災社區持續運作及發展。本研究以水土保持局第一期公布高風險潛勢區之34處村里,盤點村里的現況及蒐集相關資料,藉由層級分析法進行脆弱度影響因子的評估,將各因子的資料量化數值分為三個等級,有9個高脆弱度村里、16個中脆弱度村里、9個低脆弱度村里,供未來大規模崩塌自主防災社區推動相關策略的運用。


About two-thirds of Taiwan's land area is made up of mountains and hills and locates in the earthquake zone. Climate change and increasingly extreme weather events have caused higher rain intensity, resulting in natural disasters include floods, landslides, and debris flows. Up to now, large-scale landslides, barrier lakes, and other combined disasters cause serious disaster threats to mountain tribes. The Bureau of Water and Soil Conservation has set the rainfall alert measurement to 34 potential large-scale landslide sites which have suffered disasters in the past and tend to move and slide in the potential areas. Autonomous disaster prevention activities for large-scale landslides have been simultaneously promoted to assist communities in establishing a disaster-resistant organization. For example, assisting local disaster- resistant organization in responding to typhoon and heavy rainfall and in dividing the labor accordingly through simulated exercises; and, through practical drills, enhance community residents’ awareness of disasters to reduce extreme climate impacts. Due to the different natural and human conditions in the villages in the large-scale landslides potential area, it is necessary to establish an appropriate operation mode of disaster-resistant communities in order to apply resources to the villages in need and promote the continuous operation and development of disaster-resistant communities. This study uses the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to evaluate the disaster vulnerability value for large-scale landslide disaster of the 34 villages announced by SWCB in the first stage. Three classification tiers were used for grouping the vulnerability level of the 34 villages. There are 9 high vulnerability villages, 16 medium vulnerability villages, and 9 low vulnerability villages. The resulted vulnerability levels would be useful for recommending method of disaster management.


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