  • 學位論文


Performance of Service Learning Programme for the Undergraduates

指導教授 : 張英陣


本研究旨在依各校推廣服務學習課程之現況分成四種模式:校園服務模式、社區服務模式、系所推廣服務模式以及專業結合服務模式,來探討大專生參與服務學習課程的學習效果。本研究以質性與量化並重的多元方法,運用焦點團體及問卷調查方式來蒐集資料。 研究結果顯示,多數學校為主的校園服務模式在課程轉型上面臨傳統歷史的保留、不知如何與社區連結及師資、人力缺乏的窘境。不同於其他三種模式,校園服務模式教師鮮少投入於服務學習課程,校方仍以學生助理協助課程活動進行為主要。專業結合服務模式和社區服務模式之學生則對老師的教學熱誠會帶動其學習意願、服務學習課程內容有達到上課目標、感受到老師的教學熱情、教學認真、對服務學習的重視以及了解老師所訂定的課程目標等均有五至七成的同意。然而,鼓勵教師投入服務學習課程教學之作法有提供實質報酬,刺激參與、從人格特質著手以及減輕教師授課負擔。 關於學生服務學習成效方面,不同服務模式在學生整體學習成效上,由高而低依序為專業結合服務模式、社區服務模式、系所推廣服務模式和校園服務模式 。四種服務學習模式的學生在服務體驗與成長方面均有較高的認同度。教師認為學生獲得的學習成長為貼近社會,體驗生命、養成規律生活習慣、認識同學,增進人際關係、熟悉校園。本研究結果幫助我們瞭解大專院校推動服務學習課程的成效與困境,同時亦凸顯課程規劃與教師投入服務學習課程教學對學生的影響。 最後,研究者針對各校服務學習課程推廣及未來研究提出若干建議,作為國內服務學習課程規劃實作之參考。


There are four models of service learning program in Taiwan: campus-service, community-service, department-driven , and profession-based service. The study aims to explore the performance of service learning program for the undergraduates of there four models. The study employed qualitative and quantitative approaches, and adopted focus groups and questionnaire survey for data collection. The result indicates that universities of campus-service model have difficulties in preserving previous traditions, connecting with community resources and lack of manpower when they try to transform the curriculums. In comparison with the other three models, the participation levels of teachers are much less than teaching assistance. On the other hand, students of the profession-based model and community-service model show that teacher's enthusiasm will lead them studying will, the teaching contents are corresponded with the curriculum goals and mission. Students also can feel the teacher's passion and earnestness. Moreover, they do not only value the service-learning but also realize the curriculum goal set by teacher. As mentioned above, there are about 50% to 70% students who have positive feedback for the service learning. Furthermore, to encourage teachers committing the service-learning teaching, the better way are providing the substantive rewards, activating participation, finding the proper personalities, as well as reducing the teaching load. Regarding on performance of service learning, the rank of learning performance from high to low is profession-based service model, community-service model, department-driven model and campus-service model. Students of the all four models have higher recognition in service experiences and personal growth. Students benefit from all on closing to the society, experiencing of life, forming the better living habits and life style, increasing their interpersonal relationship, and being familiar with campus. In sum, the findings help us to understand the performances and difficulties of service-learning in Taiwan universities curriculums, and simultaneously, highlight the significant effects of curriculum planning and the crucial influences of teacher’s involvement in the service-learning. Based on these findings, several suggestions for promotion of service-learning and future research are proposed.




