  • 學位論文


Using Elderly Capability in Community Empowerment Practice --- A Case Study of Bodhi Chang Ching Village

指導教授 : 江大樹


全球在地化的來臨,公共服務的提供不在是由政府單獨提供,而是由跨部門的形式,融合了第一、第二、第三部門,共同提供地方的公共事務,這也是治理模式的具體實現。1999年九二一震災後,社區營造策略成為災後重建工程的主要策略,菩提長青村於災後運用社區營造策略,並於社區營造過程中,運用「老有所用」此一價值理念於社區營造過程中,開創出災後永續的老人安養模式。本研究即透過「社區營造」此一觀點深入探析菩提長青村過去的營造歷程,透過長期的參與觀察為主要的資料蒐集方式,並輔以相關文獻的檢閱,希冀歸結菩提長青村的社造策略。 研究中發現菩提長青村透過活化、培力的方式,讓社區老人的活動力再現,並且投入社區營造的過程中,藉由這樣的方式,讓菩提長青村成為一個具有「生、心理兼具的健康照護」、「老人活動力再活化的終身學習」、「自立更生的休閒創意產業」及「互助的自立更生」等四種特殊的運作模式。且菩提長青村在社區營造的過程中,融入的價值理念進入社造過程中,並於不同時期發展出不同的價值理念,分別為「開源節流、老有所用、夠用就好」等三個價值理念。藉由這三個價值理念的運用,讓菩提長青村於社區營造歷程中,逐步走向永續發展的老人安養模式,為未來的老化社會提供了一種安養模式的選擇。


The‘Glocalization’is coming, therefore, government doesn’t singlely provide public service. The public service system cooperates with the first, the second and the third secter. After 921 Earthquake, community Empowerment has became the impowerment stragetic of 921 post-earthquake. In 921 post-earthquake, Bodhi Chang Ching Village applies community empowerment in elderly community care, and use the unique value in community empowerment practice. By the way, Bodhi Chang Ching Village initates a sustainable model of elder community care. Subsequently, the author proposed to participate community empowerment practice in order to investigate community empowerment practice of Bodhi Chang Ching Village. In addition, the author compared the literatures and collected information with official data to study the community empowerment practice of Bodhi Chang Ching Village. The results showed that characteristics of community empowerment practice of Bodhi Chang Ching villege are an independence model of elderly community care. The local organization using elderly capability in community empowerment practice through empowerment and activation, and also useing the unique value in the practice. Actuality, Bodhi Chang Ching villege has became an independence model of elderly community care by this way. In elderly society, Bodhi Chang Ching villege provides a new choose of elderly community care.


王子華,2005,〈老人社會福利安全保障的制度設計:從菩提長青村談起〉,收錄於國立暨南國際大學公共行政與政策學系主辦「競爭創新成長 營造魅力新南投」學術研討會論文集。
