  • 學位論文


The Experience of Youth in State Care after the Termination of Parental Rights.

指導教授 : 沈慶鴻


在兒少保護處遇工作中,當家外安置兒少仍不適宜返回原生家庭時,可透過法律程序停止原生父母親權,將兒少改由政府監護,使其在ㄧ適當環境成長。雖然停止親權改由政府監護是維護兒少權益的ㄧ種處遇工作模式,然停止親權亦可能是兒少經歷的另一種創傷。同時,當兒少後續未透過出養尋得ㄧ個永久性家庭,即必須在家外安置系統中成長,沒有屬於自己的家庭,並可能經歷長期安置的負面影響。 因此,國外有研究建議關注受政府監護兒少的經驗,透過兒少主體經驗檢視目前服務狀況,進一步規劃有效保護受政府監護兒少的多重服務途徑。然而,目前國內未有相關研究探討停止親權而受政府監護兒少的安置經驗。因此,本研究以少年為研究對象,瞭解少年停親的經驗,以及少年受政府監護後的安置概況、與原生家庭之互動經驗,關注「停止親權而受政府監護」對少年之影響。過程中,以立意取樣訪談四位少年,採取質化研究進行資料的分析。 研究發現,本研究的四位少年在停親/受政府監護事件上,缺乏對自身事務之瞭解和參與機會。少年受政府監護後的安置計畫未必維護少年權益,多次的安置轉換反應少年的需求未被滿足。另由少年受政府監護後與原生家庭的互動經驗發現,即使停親,原生家庭的影響力仍持續存在,而原生家庭狀況影響停親後的親子會面頻率與品質。最後,少年對受政府監護之看法有限,受政府監護雖帶來資源,但也同時經歷家外安置的負面影響。 根據研究發現,研究者分別對「政策」、「實務」及「未來研究」提出相關建議。


In the Children Protection practice, when family reunification service fails, localgovernment may appeal for suspending parental rights or guardianship to court to protect growth of children, and local government serve as guardian of children. Although it which children in state care after the termination of parental rights(TPR) is a way to safeguard children’s rights and interests, children may feel loss because of TPR. Furthermore, when children didn’t be adopted after TPR, children would grow in long-term placement and experience the risk of long-term placement. Foreign researches suggest that it is important to concern the experience of children in state care after TPR in order to development effective treatment and service, however no research about children in state care after TPR in Taiwan. This study researches the experience of youth in state care after TPR, and the influence of TPR for youth. This study used a judgement sampling, and four youths were interviewed. The data were gathered through in-depth interview and analyzed in qualitative method. Findings includes: youths lacked of knowledge about TPR; The long-term placement plan didn’t concern the interest of youths, and placement didn’t meet the need of youths; Youths after TPR were still influenced by their birth families, and the stability of their birth families influenced the quality of visitation with them. Last, the opinions which youths expressed about TPR were limited. Although it brought resources under care by government, youths still experienced the negative influence of out-of-home placement. Based on the results, the researcher presents some suggestions in term of policy, practice and future research.


