  • 學位論文

非營利組織行銷策略之探討∼ 以天主教臺中教區身心障礙福利機構為例

Study of Marketing Strategy of Non Profit Organizations , by the Social Welfare Institutes for Disability of Catholic Diocese of Taichung

指導教授 : 張英陣教授


本研究旨在探討財團法人天主教會臺中教區附設身心障礙福利服務機構運用行銷策略的使命與願景及SWOT分析及行銷策略所帶來的影響及組織目標與用續發展的重要關鍵。最後就研究結果與發現,提供臺中教區附設身心障礙福利服務機構未來行銷策略實務運作上及政府制定相關身心障礙福利政策及法令相關建議。 本研究採取質性研究之方法,透過深度訪談及焦點團體訪談進行資料的收集與分析,分別訪談七位臺中教區身障機構一級主管,及八位曾經參與財團法人天主教會臺中教區附設身心障礙福利機構行銷之工作人員進行一場焦點團體訪談,整理出以下研究發現:目前臺中教區身障機構最常使用的行銷方式為網路行銷、理念行銷、故事行銷,家長行銷等方式進行行銷;同時也運用了行銷組合的策略產品、促銷或推廣、通路、價格、人們、包裝、公眾形象、社會公益,並審視臺中教區身障機構的SWOT分析,瞭解機構的優、劣勢如何爭取機會及減低威脅,進而實現組織的使命與願景,經本研究分析的結論:(一)推動行銷與企業結合面臨的風險(二)落實臺中教區附設身心障礙福利機構的使命(三)宣揚天主教臺中教區身障機構的『愛』傳統精神(四)瞭解臺中教區附設身障機構運用行銷策略之困境。


The purpose of this study is to examine the prospect of marketing strategy applied by Social Welfare Institutes for the Disability of Catholic Diocese of Taichung, the impact of marketing strategy and SWOT Analysis and the key to objective and sustainable development of the organization. The result offers Social Welfare Institutes references for practical operations of marketing and provides recommendations for government when disability welfare policies and laws are made. Qualitative research method is adopted in this study, collecting and analyzing data through in-depth interview and focus group interview with seven top managers and eight staff members of the Social Welfare Institutes for Disability of Catholic Diocese of Taichung who had participated in marketing. The results indicate that the most common marketing strategies used by the institutes are Internet Marketing, concept marketing, story marketing and parents marketing. The institute also used marketing mix of product, promotion, partner, price, people, packing, public image and public welfare, performing SWOT Analysis to not only understand the strength and weakness but also make an effort to strive for opportunities and diminish the threat. Following conclusions are documented: (1) The risk of marketing and integration with enterprises (2) To fulfill the mission of the Social Welfare Institutes for Disability of Catholic Diocese of Taichung (3) To preach the spirit of love of the Social Welfare Institutes for Disability of Catholic Diocese of Taichung (4) To find out predicaments of marketing of he Social Welfare Institutes for Disability of Catholic Diocese of Taichung.


王順民(2006)。《非營利組織的社會行銷及其相關議題論述-以當代臺灣地區為例》。 國政研究報告。
王婷玉(2007)。〈以整合行銷傳播原理來探討非營利組織藝術行銷策略:以Arena Stage非營利組織如何結合網站與實體通路為例〉。《學術論函 ART APPRECIATION》
