  • 學位論文


The Social Impact of an Active Aging Program:The Case Study of “Go Grandriders” by Hondao Senior Citizen's Welfare Foundation

指導教授 : 莊俐昕


高齡化是全球趨勢,台灣推估亦將於2026年邁入超高齡社會,世界各國莫不提出因應高齡趨勢之策略,弘道老人福利基金會2007年推動「不老騎士環台計畫」除帶動不老風潮外,其計畫執行所產生的社會影響力為何?本研究從實際參與觀察及文獻資料,深入描繪「不老騎士環台計畫」從投入、活動、產出、結果,各階段歷程找出方案成功關鍵因素及後續展現之社會影響力。透過文獻整理發現不老騎士方案成功關鍵因素在於1.依循老人需求及展現老人價值;2.善用專業與志工人力;3.多元串連各公私部門及在地相關單位;4.多元募款規劃;5.活動廣宣與社會教育並行;6.紀錄片發揮影像影響力。 在後續效應及影響力部分,則帶動弘道基金會方案的多元發展與高度重視創新與外部合作,在外部方面,不老騎士推動活躍老化的影響力包含:(1)在活躍老化的觀念上帶動銀髮健康促進與多元社會參與;(2)在友善環境推動上,帶動扭轉老年歧視與正向迎老與社會融合與敬老文化、帶動年輕人投入銀髮工作與青銀共創;(3)在社會政策推動上,推動中高齡就業與倡議、推動國家活躍老化銀髮政策。


Aging is Aging in population is a global trend. Taiwan is estimated to become a super-aged society in 2026, meaning one in five people will be over age 65 (20%). Almost every country in the world has conducted strategies to address the issues raised around this trend. In 2007, Hondao Senior Citizen's Welfare Foundation introduced the "Go Grandriders” project, which it took the elderly riding motorcycles around Taiwan. The project greatly increased the awareness toward aging in the general public. Other than that, what is the social impact of this project? Based on actual participation observations and literature data, this research paper describes in depth the "Go Grandriders" project from planning to actual event, to initial outcomes, and results. Through the various stages of the project and analyze the process to find out the key factors for the success of the project and the social impact that it demonstrated. Through literature reviews, it is found that the key factors for the success of the Go Grandriders project are: (1) Follow the needs of the elderly and show the value of the elderly; (2) Make good use of professional works and volunteers; (3) Great collaboration between public and private sectors and local agencies; (4) Multiple layers of fundraising; (5) Event promotion and social education in parallel ; (6) Documentary film distribution exerts broader communication and social influence. In follow-up effects and influence, internally, it encouraged Hondao Senior Citizen's Welfare Foundation to implement diversified programs and emphasize the importance of conducting innovative programs and working with a variety of external organizations. On the external side, the “Go Grandriders” project successfully promote active aging and showcase social influences in the following areas: (1) Promoting active aging with strong emphasis on health promotion and diversified social involvement; (2) Fighting ageism by creating a more positive image about older people, implementing social inclusion and aged-friendly culture and environment, attracting young people to work in the aging industry, and encouraging intergenerational collaboration; (3) It continues to drive on discussion and implementation of the development of national policy about middle-aged & senior employment and active aging.


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