  • 學位論文


A Developmental Comparison of History Curriculum of Secondary Education in Taiwan and Mainland China

指導教授 : 鍾宜興


從1949年至今,海峽兩岸都因國際局勢及因應政經情勢的改變,歷史課程也配合國家需求做多次的調整與修正。 臺灣方面,因解嚴而形成政治民主化、以及社會開放與多元,本土教育越受重視,於是自87學年度開始有了《認識臺灣(歷史篇)》的課程,這是首次出現獨立而完整的臺灣歷史教材。緊接著四年後強調能力培養、統整教學的九年一貫課程登場,臺灣的國中歷史教育出現了新的局面,而高中為銜接國中的臺灣史教育,也在95暫綱奠定基礎,並於100年公告實施。 中國大陸方面,歷史教育的改革在這二十年裡腳步未曾停歇,從建政初期的一面倒向蘇聯的蘇聯教育,歷經文革浩劫與重整,不論是教學目標還是教材內容都有著明顯的改變。 根據以上的研究背景,本研究擬定研究目的如下: 一、探討臺灣中等教育階段歷史課程的發展。 二、探討中國中等教育階段歷史課程的發展。 三、比較臺灣與中國中等教育階段歷史課程之發展。 四、依據研究結果,提出中等教育階段歷史課程設計之建議。 為達上述目的,本研究採用文件分析法。文件分析法主要在蒐集國內外有關大陸地區中學歷史教育之文獻,如期刊、論文、專書、文件以及教科書等,加以閱讀分析;另外,蒐集整理網路歷史資源。 最後,歸納分析獲致結論。茲提出以下之結論與建議︰ 壹、結論 一、臺灣與中國中等教育歷史課程發展的背景因素皆因時勢所趨。 二、臺灣與中國中等教育歷史課程發展的動力因政治體制的不同而不同。 三、臺灣與中國中等教育歷史課程皆重本視本國史,但發展歷程不同。 四、臺灣與中國「本國史」與「世界史」教材形態與授課時數皆有不同。 貳、建議 一、課程的發展需因勢利導,政府應發揮政策支持教育、服務教育、導引教育的功能。 二、課程改革的溝通應與學界及社會取得共識利於整合推動。 三、本國史與世界史課程比例應合理調整,兼顧本土化與國際化的潮流。 四、避免考試領導教學的迷失。 關鍵詞:中等教育;歷史教材 。


中等教育 歷史教材


From 1949 until now, both sides of the Taiwan Straits have unprecedently changed in light of international situation, political and economical condition. The history curriculums have been adjusted and altered several times to co-operate with the countries’ need. The formation of political democratization due to the lift martial law, as well as open and diverse society, local education has received more attention In Taiwan. Then in 87 academic years the "Know Taiwan (historical articles)" course began, the first time to have an independent and complete Taiwan history material. Four years later, nine-year curriculum started which stressed capacity-building, integrated teaching. Taiwan’s junior history education has shown a new situation. Taiwan history education of senior high school for the convergence of junior high school lay the foundation in 95 temporary classes, and in 100 years announced implemented. In Mainland China, the reform of history education in the footsteps of these two decades never relented. In the early stage of founding a country it swung overwhelmingly to Soviet Union education, later on it went through the Cultural Revolution period of catastrophe and set things right. No matter the teaching objectives or teaching materials have significantly changed. Based on the above background, the intended research purposes of this study are as follows: First, explore the history curriculum development of secondary education in Taiwan. Second, explore the history curriculum development of secondary education in Mainland China. Third, compare the history course development of secondary education between Taiwan and Mainland China. Fourth, according to the research results, propose the suggestions of the history curriculum design of secondary education. To achieve the above objectives, this study uses document analysis method. Document analysis method is mainly to read and analyze the collection of high school history education literature in domestic area and Mainland China, such as journals, papers, books, documents and textbooks,; in addition, collected the network historical resources. Finally, the inductive analysis to get conclusions and propose the following suggestions: 1. Conclusion Firstly, the political forces are intervened the background factors of history curriculum development of secondary education in Taiwan and Mainland China. Secondly, the history curriculum development momentum is different due to the political system varies of secondary education in Taiwan and Mainland China. Thirdly, the history curriculum all emphasizes Chinese History, but develop differently of secondary education in Taiwan and Mainland China. Fourthly, the material form and number of teaching hours are different between Chinese History and World History in Taiwan and Mainland China. 2. Suggestions: Firstly, the curriculum development should give judicious guidance according to circumstances. Government should develop the politics function to support, service and lead education. Secondly, the curriculum reform should reach consensus between academic world and the society which is conducive to promoting integration. Thirdly, the ratio of Chinese History and World History curriculum should be adjusted reasonably and look after both sides of local and international trends. Fourthly, avoiding examination leads teaching. Keywords: secondary education, history curriculum


