  • 學位論文


A Research of the Combination of Electroporation and Iontophoresis Circuits

指導教授 : 程德勝


本研究主要設計一可程式的高壓電穿孔結合離子導入之電路,可以應用於細胞電穿孔或皮膚電穿孔,再利用離子導入法概念,導入藥物至皮下(胰島素)或抽取皮下新陳代謝物(葡萄糖、尿酸),因為大部分治療及診斷都須經過吃藥、打針、抽血,這些都是侵入的方式,且會造成身體上的不適,因此設計一個非侵入式生理感測系統為之重要。 本論文設計之高壓電穿孔電壓範圍為30V~500V,高電壓產生是由直流升壓轉換器(DC-DC Boost Converter)的方式升壓,經由高壓光耦合器並配合微處理器(MCU)控制可設定最小脈波寬度為0.1ms的高壓脈衝,並利用恆電流源電路結合H橋電路來設計雙極性離子導入法,再配合自動電功率控制(AEC)系統,在阻值隨時間下降的情況下,都能保持穩定的電功率及電流/時間(I/t)。


The aim of this study is to design a programmable electroporator combined with iontophoresis circuit. It can be used for cellular or skin electroporation. Together with the concept of iontophoresis, it can be used for transdermal drug delivery (e.g. insulin) or transdermal extraction of metabolites (e.g. glucose, uric acid and etc.). Since most of the routine treatments and diagnoses include oral medication, syringe drug injection, and blood sampling, all these methods are invasive and cause patients’ inconvenience. Therefore, it is important for the design of a noninvasive monitoring system. The electroporator is able to deliver high voltage of 30V~500V. The principle of high voltage boosting is by the use of DC-DC boost converter. The electroporator has high-voltage photocouplers, controlled by a microcontroller, which is used to switch the high voltage into high electric pulse with the minimum pulse width of 0.1ms. The iontophoresis circuit has a constant current circuit and H-bridge circuit. And the H-bridge circuit is used to switch a constant current into bipolar current. Together with a automatic power control system, the power and the current-time (I/t) can be kept constant no matter the change of the load (e.g. skin) impedance.


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