  • 學位論文


Dialysis Patients’ Switching Intention to Dialysis Service Provider: A Perspective of Push-Pull-Mooring Model

指導教授 : 黃佑安


隨著醫療服務資訊普及,帶動醫療科技與公共衛生進步,醫療服務在台灣國人的心目中已漸漸轉成典型專業的服務業。而民眾對於醫療品質的要求逐漸提升,對於健康促進的需求也日漸升高,使醫療市場上的競爭更加激烈,突顯醫療機構服務品質之重要性,近年來,大部分的醫療機構著重於醫療品質及病患滿意度與信任的提升,若能提供良好的服務品質進而增加病患的回診意願,才能進一步影響到醫院的績效與收益,以增加院方的營運績效提供良好的服務品質進而增加病患的回診意願,不但能保障病人之權益,改善醫病之間互動關係,也能影響到醫院的績效與收益,以增加院方的營運績效。 本研究採用質性研究方式,深度訪談透析病患洗腎的經驗,運用PPM模型的推力、拉力、繫住力因素,探討透析病患轉換洗腎場所意圖,並推論出透析病患轉換之推力效果為:「滿意度」、「技術品質」、「功能品質」「信任」四個變數;拉力效果為:「競爭品牌吸引力」、「替代品口碑」兩個變數;繫住力效果為:「慣性行為」、「主觀規範」、「轉換成本」三個變數。 研究結果顯示:病患對透析服務機構的滿意度越高、技術品質越高、功能品質越高、信任越高、替代品口碑越高、慣性行為越高、主觀規範越強、轉換成本越高,使轉換意圖越低。


With economic development, social progress, as well as the rapid flow of information, the attention of quality of life is increased. The growth of dialysis population, especially after the implementation of National Health Insurance in Taiwan, poor medical care due to economic limits removed, people's attention will turn to quality demands, despite the advances in the medical level, the patient complained of medical institutions and medical malpractice is gradually increasing, which in addition to the public expectations for increasingly high quality of medical care, the hospital and patients between service quality, satisfaction and confidence in cognitive gap may also be the main reason. This study attempts to explore the switching behaviors and switching costs in the patient's intention to switch the dialysis institutions, and stabilize patients for medical institutions or change the attitude of hope hospitals can provide clearer direction to strengthen patient’s loyalty to dialysis institutions. The study adopted “Push-Pull-Mooring”(PPM)theory proposed by population geologist ,who applied it to explain the incentives of demographic migration. The reasons behind population movements are mainly because people are pushed by the abomination of their current residence, pulled by the attraction of the new destination, or moored by personal factors. This study extends the PPM theory to explain the switching behaviors and switching costs in the patient's intention to switch the dialysis institutions.


