  • 學位論文


A study on the pregnancy process of female teachers in elementary schools

指導教授 : 吳明烈


本研究旨在探討國小女性教師懷孕歷程,採質性訪談的方式,訪談對象為任職於彰化地區兩年以內具有懷孕生產經驗的國小女性教師。研究者希望透過本研究達到以下目的:一、探討國小女性教師懷孕之動機。二、探究國小女性教師懷孕之生活改變與衝擊。三、分析國小女性教師懷孕之調適過程及方式。四、了解國小女性教師懷孕的社會支持需求及情形。 透過八位國小女性教師的懷孕背景與過程、國小女性教師懷孕的動機之分析、國小女性教師懷孕的生活改變與衝擊之分析、國小女性教師懷孕的調適過程及方式之分析、國小女性教師懷孕的社會支持需求及情形之分析,從訪談資料對國小女性教師懷孕歷程作歸納與探討,獲得主要結論敘述如下: 一、國小女性教師懷孕的動機多重,包含促進自我成長與實現、延續對家庭的情感聯 繫、生命延續的期許、善盡傳宗接代的責任四項。 二、國小女性教師懷孕的生活改變分別是,家人關係的轉變、調整同事的互動、身體 限制活動範圍、時間重新分配與管理。 三、國小女性教師懷孕面臨的衝擊分別為對孩子健康安全的擔憂、母職角色的認定與 適應、孕期的辛苦與堅持。 四、國小女性教師懷孕的調適過程包括盡力嘗試新角色重新調整師生關係、喜迎生命 的到來母職角色多期待、多重角色的壓力自我反省的學習。 五、國小女性教師懷孕的調適方式分別為,家人正向看待生育的壓力、月子調養很重 要、適當運動來紓解壓力,同事懷孕經驗的傳承、育兒經驗的交流、生活點滴的 分享,教學中有權威老師和開明媽媽的體驗、幼吾幼以及人之幼、同理家長的角 色。 六、國小女性教師懷孕的社會支持需求包含降低精神壓力儲備上班活力、調節心理功 能保持良好心情、感受家人關愛與同事情誼。 七、國小女性教師懷孕的社會支持情形方面分為調整工作任務分配工作責任、解決托 育困擾減少後顧之憂、改善產假規定彈性給假空間。 本研究根據研究結論對教育主管機關、社會福利機構、國小女性教師、未來之研究提出具體可行的建議。


The study aims to investigate the pregnancy process of female teachers in elementary schools.It adopts the qualitative interview method,and the interview target are eight female teachers in elementary school experiencing pregnant process within two years in Changhua area.The researcher hope to achieve the following objectives through this study. 1、Explore the pregnant motivation of female teachers in elementary school. 2、Explore the chang and impact on life in pregnant female teachers in elementary school. 3、Analyze the adjustment process and way. 4、Understand the social support and needs in pregnant female teaches of elementary school. Information garnered from interviews in both summarized and explored,and the following main conclusions are listed as follows: (1)The pregnant motivation of primary school female teachers are multiple,including the promotion of self-growth and self-realization,the continuation of the family’s emotional connection,the expectations for the continuation of life,fulfill the responsibility of procreation. (2)The change of life in primary school pregnant teachers are as follows:the change of retationships with family,adjustment colleague’s interaction,limitation of physical activity,the redistribution and management of time. (3)The primary school pregnant teachers are encountered with worring about the health and safety of children,identifing the role of motherhood,adapting the hard work and persistence of pregnancy. (4)The adaption process of primary school pregnant teachers includes trying to readjust a new role in teacher-child relationship,the mother’s role of looking forward to the new life,self-reflection and learning from pressure of multiple role. (5)The adjustment mode for primary school pregnant teachers includes family looking forward fertility pressure,adequate health care after confinement,adequate exercise to relieve stress,sharing pregnancy and parenting experience. (6)The social support and needs in primary school pregnant teachers includes reducing stress,reserving energy for work,maintaining a good mood,feeling family’s love and camaraderie. (7)The social support of primary school pregnant teachers includes adjusting work assignments and duty,solving daycare problem to reduce anxiety,providing elasticity to improve maternity leave. This study proposes suggestions according to research conclusions for education administration and institutions,social welfare institutions,female teachers in elementary school and future research direction.


