  • 學位論文

高齡化社會趨勢學校資源活化之研究 -以國民小學校長觀點分析

Research on Revitalization of School Resources under the Influence of Aging Society–Perspectives of Elementary School Principals.

指導教授 : 黃源協


本研究從學校資源活化概念為出發,藉由研究參與者國民小學校長的觀點,探討學校資源活化目前及未來策略,政策面與實務面上所面臨的促成與阻礙因素,期能讓學校資源活化利用與高齡化社會需求現況做聯結,跨越原有的場域以更寬廣的視野看待事物,運作互惠的夥伴關係概念,互濟資源有無,建立機制互蒙其惠,達到資源活化利用最佳效益。 本研究採取質性研究方式,針對六所不同區位國民小學校長進行深度訪談與資料分析後,結果發現,少子化趨勢對學校之經營面、資源面、政策面產生影響,學校目前及未來的活化策略包括空間資源的活化、人力資源的轉化、未來多面向活化策略,而學校資源活化需面對政策面、經營面的促成與阻礙因素,以及學校資源活化與社區之夥伴關係等。 最後,本研究依據上述研究發現分別從政策面、實務面提出建議,政策面建議包括:協調與整合教育體制與衛福體制、統合經費、人才、設施以邁向資源永續經營、拓展新住民的教育機會、運用融合式、委外式、開放式作為學校資源活化的策略;實務面的建議包括:採用GIS系統進行資源整合與建置、推動社區大學的普及化、耕耘退休教職轉任教育志工人力、強化跨域思維以縮減「學校資源」與「高齡化社會需求」之間的落差等。


The research is motivated by the revitalization of school resource. In the study, the researcher utilized the perspectives of Elementary School Principals to clarify the present condition and future strategy of school resources’ revitalization, and explored the possible factors of improvement and obstruction among the policies and practices. This study aims for connecting the aging society’s demands and the school resources by breaking the fixed boundaries and enhancing the concept of mutually beneficial partnership, and hope to let the cooperation elaborate the greatest effects by resources’ revitalization. The study is implemented by qualitative research among six principals of different elementary schools whom are selected from difference area. The data included in-depth interviews and analysis of these principals. The findings are as below: 1. The tendency of low-birth rate that affects the school’s management, resourse and policies. 2. The present and future strategy of revitalization includes revitalizing the space resources, transforming the human resources and diversifying different strategies of revitalization. 3. The revitalization of school resource should contemplate factors of improvement and obstruction among the policies and practices. Meanwhile, it is also important to establish the partnership between school and community. Finally, according to the findings above, this study suggested that: 1. In the aspect of policy, the negotiation and integration among Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health and Welfare is important. It is urgent to coordinate the funds, human resource and facilities to reach the sustainable development of resource and expand the education opportunities of new inhabitant. Also, it might work by using the “mixed strategy,” “outsourced strategy‘’and “opening strategy” to improve the revitalization of school resource. 2. In the aspect of practice, it is feasible to adopt the GIS system to proceed resource establishment and integration, to popularize community colleges, to transfer the retiring teachers to devote themselves as volunteers, to shorten the distances between school resource and the social demand of aging by enhancing cross-boundary conception.


