  • 學位論文


Between Romantic Profligacy and Realistic Statecraft : A Study of Yu Da’s “Dream of the Green Chamber”

指導教授 : 劉恆興


本論文以「浪漫狹邪與經世寫實之間──俞達《青樓夢》研究」為題,小說以青樓娼妓為書寫主題,以「情」作為全書大旨,故以「浪漫狹邪」為名;除了青樓中男女往來的描繪外,小說內容多與家庭人倫、社會秩序交涉,將「理」鋪設其中,實際蘊含「寫實經世」成分。藉此可探討俞達在個人情感的延展與社會秩序的持守中,呈現文人思考的面貌,此正勾合著清代學術思潮發展的重心,即關注情與理之辯證關係。 論文共分五章,各章重點如下:第一章為緒論,對清代情、理發展的背景,略作介紹與說明,再轉進清代小說發展的脈絡,指出論文研究之動機,問題回顧與文獻整理,以及研究方法與章節安排。第二章以學術概念開展而下,先討論士人與社會制度的聯繫,如科舉取才與士人理想的交合以及實踐問題,官方政權的運作以及文人因應措施。小說創作隨著社會經濟等因素蓬勃發展,接續探討清代小說的功能性思想,以及當代文人如何在閱讀與虛實的關係中,定位小說。第三章文學性的表述,探討敘事主體位置的確立、小說文本結構與閱讀的關係。《青樓夢》文本特徵包含史傳式記實與個人化杜撰雙重性的小說筆法,史傳與虛構敘事相互連結,主要綰合男女之情與人倫經世要旨,在此基礎上,文本呈現出串連交集並且意義開放的結構型態。第四章以妓院文化書寫與性別意識為主題,由欲望為探討核心,從男女互動經歷,觀察主體的排拒與重建過程,省思主、客體的變化。最後就性別與權力之關係,重新檢視文人書寫的意圖,以及傳統女性之地位與發言權,有無獲得彰顯。第五章為結論,說明俞達《青樓夢》處於人情小說與狹邪小說類型之過渡期,實居於清中葉後期小說發展轉折之中樞位置。


This thesis entitled “Between Romantic Profligacy and Realistic Statecraft : A Study of Yu Da’s Dream of the Green Chamber” takes the culture of brothels and courtesans as its major research subject. “Qing,” or romantic feelings, surely is the most distinct representing element in Yu Da’s novel. However, in addition to describing the feelings of literati in the Ming-Qing period who associate with courtesans in the courtesan’s house, the novel also discusses household ethics and social order in which “Li” is one of the major parts. Therefore, this work in fact contains realistic, conventional thoughts of statecraft. By exploring the essential thoughts in Yu Da’s literary work, we can see more clearly how did he deal with the relationship between individual emotion and societal order, as well as the thinking pattern of Ming-Qing literati. Further more, we may understand that “Qing” and “Li” are presented in dialectical relation in Yu Da’s descriptions could reveal one of the important trends in the scholastic thought of Qing Dynasty. The thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one is an introduction, including illustrations of modern academic acceptations to the conceptions of “Qing” and “Li” in pre-modern China, as well as the development of Chinese fiction in Qing Dynasty, especially the late Qing period. It also contains brief interpretation of motivation, meanings and the significant reviews of this research, reveals the analyses of the literary theories and arrangement for chapters and sections. Chapter two continues with reflection on the “profligacy novel” in academic concept: firstly, we discuss with the relationship among literati, their literary works, and societal systems, especially the exam and official systems. Then, we talk about the sociopolitical functions, as well as realistic卅fictional conceptions to fictional works in Qing Dynasty. Chapter three focuses on literary techniques in the expression and composition of “Dream of the Green Chamber.” Most of the literary techniques are drew from historical writings, nevertheless, developed with significant meanings of expressing personal ideals to romantic feelings and social responsibilities, and therefore, demonstrate multiple meanings. Chapter four pays close attention to courtesan culture and gender consciousness. The starting and focal point is on human desires, then we go one step further to survey the interactive relationship between men and women, and observe the change between subjectivity and objectivity in the narrator’s voices. Finally, we review and evaluate Yu Da’s thoughts and expression to female position under the influence of traditional culture from the viewpoint of the modern conception of gender relationship. Chapter five is a conclusion. In this chapter, we attempt to establish and revaluate the position of Yu Da’s “Dream of the Green Chamber” under the historical and cultural development of Mid-Qing Dynasty.


《春秋左傳正義》,收入李學勤主編:《十三經注疏 整理本》,台北:台灣古籍出版社,2001。
