  • 學位論文


The influence of need for cognition and consistent vs. inconsistent language on the performance of arithmetic word problems

指導教授 : 戴榮賦


本研究主要目的為探討認知需求高、低與一致性、非一致性語言數學文字題對解題表現的影響,一致性、非一致性語言之差異主要是由於題目陳述方式的不同而造成解讀上的錯誤,高、低認知需求者則由於對資訊處理的態度與方式不同而造成解題上的差異,因此兩者皆會對解題表現造成影響。 本研究使用比較類型數學文字題為實驗刺激物,並透過重複量數統計方法做檢驗,觀察兩個自變數的主效果是否確實影響解題表現,研究發現一致性、非一致性語言數學文字題對解題時間、解題錯誤、反轉錯誤皆有達到顯著影響,顯示在解非一致性語言數學文字題時較容易犯此三種錯誤,而認知需求高、低僅對解題錯誤上有達到顯著影響,顯示為低認知需求者之解題錯誤較高。 最後,依據分析結果,本研究建議可以透過教學的方式提升解題者對數學文字題類型的正確識別,並藉由練習的方式提升整合題目資訊與推導關係運算式的熟練度。


The difference between consistent and inconsistent language came from interpretative error for stating the problem in different ways, while the difference between high and low need for cognition was resulted from taking different attitude and approach on dealing with information. Hence, both elements influence solving-problem capability. The stimuli of this research were arithmetic word problems with comparative types, and the verification was also made through repetitive quantitative statistical approach. It discovered that arithmetic word problems with consistent and inconsistent language significantly influenced time for solving, arithmetic error and reversal error, which were easily occurred in solving problems with inconsistent language. As for the cognition language, it only shows significant effects on arithmetic error. At last, this research recommended that taking instructions as a mean to elevate correctness in identification on arithmetic word problem was helpful for people solving arithmetic problems, and also the familiarity in integrating information in the problems or deriving the relational equations should be enhanced through practice.


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