  • 學位論文


An Exploration of Management and Marketing Model on New Era Resort & SPA

指導教授 : 楊明青


牛耳藝術渡假村位於埔里盆地之內,成立於民國76年,至今將近三十年的時間。臺灣從經濟的分類,早已列入已開發國家之伍,國民所得與生活水準逐漸提升,旅遊風氣日盛的同時,國人思索的是如何讓休閒生活充實又放鬆、知性又感性,在乎的不是錢,在乎的是那份感動,牛耳藝術渡假村是如何在這蕞爾埔里小鎮屹立不搖,其商業模式有何特別之處?本論文以牛耳藝術渡假村為主要探討對象,針對其主要客層、價值主張、通路、顧客關係、收益流、關鍵資源、關鍵活動、關鍵合作伙伴、成本結構等九個面向,探討牛耳藝術渡假村的商業模式。 透過以立意抽樣出的受訪者,進行質性訪談後的結果顯示,牛耳藝術渡假村的商業模式以誠信關懷為其核心主張,透過大型季節性活動,結合在地資源與合作伙伴,吸引更多遊客對牛耳的瞭解,維繫散客與代理商間的情誼,推行住宿與餐飲體驗,並以此為主要收益,但相對也耗費較多人事成本。最後以研究結果為基礎,針對顧客層、通路、關鍵活動、關鍵資源方面進行建議,供牛耳藝術渡假村在商業模式上的參酌。


New Era Art Resort & Spa established in 1987 is located in Puli Basin, With the nations capita increasing and wide spreading of leisure and tourism, it’s time to think the style of leisure life fulfillment and relax deeply. It is not about money, on the contrary the heart touching. This research was to investigate the business model of New Era art resort and spa, how can she stand firm until now. Through the nine aspects of business model-customer segments, value proposition, channel, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partners, and cost structure. Using the in-depth conversations of qualitative method, researcher interviewed four key persons to investigate the business model of New Era are resort and spa. The results showed that core belief of New Era art resort and spa is honest, local and key partner bounded closely to attract the tourists coming and consuming in New Era art resort and spa. Connecting the tourists and agents improved the realization and friendship between both of them. Personnel costs are increasing while these affairs taken. This research gave some suggestions about the customers, channels, key activities, and key resources for New Era art resort and spa.


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