  • 學位論文


The Developments and Challenges of ASEAN Regional Forum: A Constructivist View

指導教授 : 李文志


傳統上,現實主義與自由主義觀點位居亞太區域安全研究的主要地位,其理性主義取向。使得採取這類理論觀點的研究,均以功利主義的理性個體分析出發。忽略意識層次的影響力及意涵。1990年代崛起的國際關係建構主義,重視理念的意義,以及行為者與結構之間綿密的相互建構過程,適度彌補了理性主義途徑所無法探及的部分。其重視史觀的特質,也為安全研究領域帶來新的啟發。   冷戰時期的亞太地區,是美、蘇勢力對抗的前沿。長久以來,安全合作的層次維持在打擊彼此的軍事同盟形式,廣泛容納亞太各國的安全合作倡議僅止於構想討論,而無法落實。隨著美、蘇和解,冷戰結束,亞太區域安全文化產生重大變遷。   面對舊秩序瓦解、新秩序未確立的安全環境,東南亞國家協會遂開始著手架建亞太地區多邊安全合作機制,並將東協數十年歷史中所發展出的規範認同架構外化到更廣泛的亞太地區之中。嘗試以不斷的互動,社會化亞太國家行為者,建構出嶄新的安全文化,東協區域論壇即是這個背景下的產物。是故,東協區域論壇可視為是弱小國家透過集體力量建構區域安全文化的努力。而東協區域論壇成功與否,端視亞太國家行為者是否能夠依循、甚至衍生出屬於亞太地區的安全規範及文化。   本文從建構主義研究觀點出發,透過實際案例分析,探討東協區域論壇十餘年來規範的演化與進展,以及所面臨的發展與挑戰。


Realist and liberalist approaches dominated the realm of Asia-Pacific security study for a long time. Researchers adopted those theories initial their study from the utilitarianist rational analysis, which ignored the importance and effect of idea. The Constructivist approach, risen in the 1990’s, emphasis the continuously mutual constructing process between structure and actors, adequately complemented the rationalist approach. Constructivist approach also brought a new illumination to security studies. Asia-Pacific Region is the forefront of US and USSR confrontation during the cold war period. Security cooperation level was limited to military alliance, which was set to against another camp. Any initial proposes to build security cooperation mechanism was stopped before practice. As the cold war came to an end, Asia-Pacific security culture transitioned greatly. While the cold war system collapsed, and faced with the chaotic situation. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations began to make efforts to construct a multilateral security cooperation mechanism. Externalize the norms, which were developed in Southeast Asia for many years, to the broader Asia-Pacific region. Try to socialize the actors in Asia-Pacific region, and construct a brand-new security culture. ASEAN Regional Forum was the creature of such thinking. Therefore, the ARF can be seen as an effort of many small nations to construct security culture through their collective action. The success or not of the ARF, is highly depend on the Asia-Pacific nations’ action. This dissertation based on a constructivist view, as through many cases studied, I discussed the process of norms development in Asia-Pacific region, and how those norms effect the collective identity in reverse. In the conclusion chapter, I also discussed the foresight and the challenges of the ARF.


A. 中文部分
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Guy J. Pauker、Frank H. Goldlay、Cynthia H. Enloe著,朱建民譯,1981,《一九八O年代東南亞:歧異與發展》,臺北:臺灣商務印書館出版。


