  • 學位論文


The Meanings of Teacher Associations in Teacher Professionalism: The Development of British Teacher Associations and Its Implications for Taiwanese Teacher Associations

指導教授 : 姜添輝


1980年在教育的領域中,專業主義的概念主導著教師專業發展與教師組織的形成與功能的發揮。因此,在許多國家的教育改革規劃與政策中,都非常注重提昇教師專業素質。因為良好的教師品質是國家提昇人力素質、安定社會及培育國際競爭力的利基。 英國的第一個教師組織起源於1870年的全國小學教師會(NUET),期間也產生多元化性質的教師組織,但性質多介於專業組織和工會組織之間。自1862年起,許多關心教育的學者與人士即致力於成立具有教師專業性質的英格蘭地區教師組織。歷經多種波折,且受到1965年所成立的蘇格蘭教學總會影響,終於在1998年因為「教學與高等教育法案」而催生了「英格蘭教學總會」和「威爾斯教學總會」,同時也催生「北愛爾蘭教學總會」。 本文將就英國教師組織的發展以及對台灣教師會的啟示來探討教師組織在教師專業的意義,並以此作為研究探討重點,研提具體建議,以提供我國未來規劃健全教師專業組織之參考。 本研究以文件分析法和文獻分析法為主,透過相關文件之整理、探討後,發現教師組織在教師專業的意義有以下的特點: 一、獨立自主的教師專業組織。 二、致力於增進教學標準和學習的品質。 三、在法律上有責任提供政府及其他機構以下相關的建議和諮詢: (一)在教師供給和徵募方面的建議;(二)初任教師的教育與訓 練;(三)徵召新任合乎資格教師的入會。(四)對於職前和在職的 教育和訓練等相關事務上;(五)持續的教師專業發展。 四、維持並辦理合格教師註冊相關事宜:(一)核發教師證書;(二)仲 裁實習生可否取得教師證書。 五、具有懲戒權,以規範教師:(一)調查不適任教師;(二)吊銷教師 專業執照。


教師組織 教師專業


The 1870 Education Act did not only establish the system of compulsory education but also provided the same system of educational provision for all types of school, acting as a vital stimulation to give the birth of the National Union of Elementary Teachers(NUET)at the same year. For enlarging its members and political influence, NUET renamed as NUT in 1889 and shifted its initial professional purposes to unionism. While in terms of gaining its material rewards, NUT became a significant political creature, its internal friction, caused by a variety of factors such as gender, post, school type, salary and status expectation, became more visible and thus a phenomenon eventually led to many members break away NUT to create their own organizations. Although unionism had long-term dominant among those teachers associations, for claiming professional status and rights, they gradually acknowledged the importance of a common professional association, General Teaching Council(GTC)that was finally created in 2000 by the New Labour Government with a variety of functions or, at least, expectations, such as "to contribute to improving standards of teaching and the quality of learning, and to maintain and improve standards of professional conduct among teachers, in the interests of the public". In terms of orientation, this major change has pushed British teacher associations into a new dilemma, the choice of professionalism or unionism or both. Following this change and track, this essay attemps to explore the development of British teacher associations and its implications for Taiwanese teacher associations by literature review.


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