  • 學位論文


Factors Influencing the Career Choice of Poor Adolescents-in example of CCF/Taiwan

指導教授 : 詹宜璋


近期官方社會救助統計反映出台灣的貧窮問題有日益增加的趨勢,且台灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會相關調查報告亦顯示低收入戶兒少人數有不斷上升的趨勢,並存在著貧窮世代循環的現象。因青少年正處於培植人力資本的就學階段或即將面臨考量投入職場的就業決擇階段,家庭貧窮問題之壓力是否對其生涯抉擇造成不利影響,進而影響貧窮家庭第二代之未來生涯發展、甚至形成結構性之貧窮循環、社會排除現象。基此,本研究欲瞭解貧窮青少年生涯抉擇情況及其影響因素外、探究家庭貧窮與青少年生涯抉擇之關聯性外,也將進一步探討其所接受的社會福利資源對其生涯抉擇的可能影響。 本論文研究設計採量化研究典範,樣本來自台灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會現在或曾經接受扶助的貧窮家庭青少年,有效樣本數共為289位。研究工具包括「基本資料與生涯選擇問卷」、「自我概念量表」、「教養態度量表」,並以描述統計量分析、卡方考驗、相關比及邏輯迴歸統計方法分析調查結果。 主要的研究發現有:一、貧窮青少年伴隨較弱勢之家庭條件而顯示高比例的打工經驗。二、「學業成就」、「學業自我概念」、「專長與興趣」是貧窮青少年生涯選擇的主要指標。三、貧窮青少年對自我教育及職業之期待與生涯選擇顯著相關。四、就讀技職體系會增加貧窮青少年提前職涯抉擇之可能性。五、雙親對貧窮青少年生涯選擇影響力大,且與家庭教養態度有顯著相關。六、青少年生涯選擇意見之徵詢有其特定偏好。七、來自「學校」或「獎助學金」、「課業輔導」類型之就學福利服務與貧窮青少年升學選擇有顯著關聯。 綜合前述之研究結果,本研究歸結出如下之建議:一、推廣親職教育,促進整體家庭共同成長。二、強化貧窮青少年徵詢網絡,建立學習楷模。三、建構「家庭」、「學校」、「社福組織」分工合作之輔導體系。四、培養第二專長,重視技職體制適性教育。五、應降低家庭社經地位較弱勢之青少年因經濟壓力而被迫選擇就業的可能性。六、對於確實有意往就業發展者,須提供可繼續提升自我的終身學習管道。


青少年 貧窮 生涯抉擇 生涯選擇


It reflects that the trend of poverty problem deeper in Taiwan from the official count of social assistance recently. Some relevant surveys from Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (abbreviated as TFCF) also reveal the trend that the number of children and adolescents in official poverty household is increasing, and the phenomenon of the intergenerational transmission of poverty really exists. Teenagers just be at the stage of the cultivate the human capital, the pressure from poverty may affect their choice of career development adversely, even it will become phenomena of structural vicious circle of poverty and social exclusion. Basis of the state, this research not only wants to understand career choice situations and the factors influencing the career choice of poor adolescents, the relation between the family factors and the adolescents’ career choice, but also discusses the possible effects that accepting social welfare resources to the career decision. Based on the quantitative research methods. The survey samples come from the poor family’s teenagers that accept supports now or once from TFCF. There are 289 teenagers as the effective sample size. The measure tools are including"Basic Materials and Career Choice Questionnaire", "Self-Concept Scale", "Parenting Attitude Scale", and then analyses the results through describe statistics, chi-square test, correlation ratio and logistic regression analysis. The main finding are as follows: 1. The poor teenagers with disadvantaged family condition reveal a high rate of part-time job experience. 2. "academic achievement", "academic self-concept" and"specialty and interest" are the main career choice target of teenagers. 3. The level of self education and occupation that poor teenagers’ expects are significantly correlated with career choice. 4. The poor teenagers study in technical school will increase the possibility of choosing career earlier. 5. The parents have a big influence on poor teenagers’ career choice, and their career choices are significant correlation with parents or family parenting attitude. 6. There is special tendency of teenagers to ask advice about their career choice. 7. Welfare services that come from "school",or the types of"scholarship" and "schoolwork guidance"correlate significantly with the poor teenagers’ choose advancing to a high school. To sum up the research results, there are suggestions as follows: 1. Popularizing parenting education to promote the development of whole family. 2. To strengthen the advice network of poor teenagers and build learning model. 3. To structure the guidance system of "family" , "school" and "social welfare organization" divisional and cooperatively. 4. To train up teenagers’second-skill and take the differential education in technical school seriously. 5. Reducing the possibility that disadvantaged family teenagers compelled to get a job because of economical pressure. 6. Providing teenagers who have the will to get a job with the channels of life-long learning.


adolescent / teenager, poverty career choice




