  • 學位論文


Action Research on Cooperative Learning Applied to Learning Outcome of History for First-grade of a Junior High School Students.

指導教授 : 陳玉珍


本研究主旨探討以合作學習運用於七年級(國一)歷史課程,學生學習動機與學習成效之影響與研究者教學歷程之省思。「合作學習」是一種合作型態的教學,採異質分組,在全班授課後進行分組學習,組內同儕相互協助,教學者依照學生小組及個人表現進行表揚,達到提升學習成效與學習動機的目的。 本研究以南投縣一所國中一年級學生為研究對象,運用合作學習中學生小組成就區分法(STAD)進行歷史教學。本研究採用行動研究法,進行兩次教學循環,為期6週,共6堂課。研究者透過學生訪談、協同教師觀察、教學省思日誌等文件資料進行質性分析,得到研究之結論如下: 一、合作學習運用於歷史教學,增加學生學習動機:合作學習提升同儕人際互動關係,營造熱絡學習氛圍,讓學生學習動機增加。 二、合作學習運用於歷史教學,提升學生學習成效:合作學習增加學生課堂表現、上課參與度更為積極,讓學生學習成效提升。 STAD運用於國中教學,學生在歷史學習方面,學習成效與學習動機有顯著提升。對於合作學習之教學建議: 一、教學品質遠勝於教學數量。 二、妥善掌控師生互動,備課與班級經營教學技巧的重要性。 三、教師角色的再認知:教室主體是學生,教師是引導學生學習的主要角色。 四、尋找備課、觀課與議課的教學夥伴,相互學習成長。 綜合而論,合作學習運用於教學,對學生在學習動機、成效之提升,教師在專業知能的展現,都有正向且積極的回饋與影響。


The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of applying cooperative learning to the seventh grade (First-grade of a Junior High School Students) history course, the impact of student motivation and learning outcomes, and the reflections of the researchers' teaching process. "Cooperative Learning" is a cooperation type of teaching. It adopts heterogeneous grouping, grouping after the whole class, assisting each other in the group, and giving praise to the students in accordance with the performance of the pupils' groups and individual performance so as to enhance learning outcomes and learning motivation purpose. In this study, the first-grade student in Nantou County was selected as the research object to conduct the history teaching by using STAD (Cooperative Learning Group). This study used the method of action research to conduct two teaching cycles for 6 weeks, a total of 6 during the class. The researchers conducted a qualitative analysis through student interviews, collaborative teacher observation, teaching thought log and other documents and data. The conclusions of the study are as follows: First, the cooperation of learning used in history teaching, increase student motivation to learn: Cooperative learning to enhance peer interaction, to create a warm learning environment, so that students learn motivation to increase. Second, the cooperation of learning used in history teaching, improve student learning effectiveness: cooperative learning to increase student class performance, class participation is more positive, so that students learn to improve results. STAD applied in teaching, students in history learning, learning effectiveness and motivation to significantly improve learning: First, teaching quality is more importain than teaching quantity. Second, to properly control the interaction between teachers and students, lesson preparation and class management teaching skills. Third, the re-cognition of the teacher's role: the main body of the classroom is a student, the teacher is the main role of guiding students to learn. Fourth, looking for lesson preparation, observation class and lesson teaching partners, learn from each other growth. On the whole, cooperative learning is applied to teaching. It has a positive and positive feedback and influence on students' motivation in learning, the improvement of their effectiveness and the display of professional knowledge by teachers.


