  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Development and Transformation of a Digital Surveillance Equipment Manufacturer

指導教授 : 陳建宏


中小企業為台灣經濟成長動力的主要動能與組成碁石,然而中小企業隨著企業成長,常會面臨成長與轉型上的決策難題,若能有相關企業個案的案例參考,對企業主的經營管理將有甚大的助益。 本研究之個案公司為一家台灣數位監控產業的廠商,其成長歷程經歷多次重大擴展與轉型策略的轉折,此個案內容很值得做為其他企業如何適應內部與外部環境的劇烈變遷,與如何決策因應的參考。此個案企業的案例牽涉到四個主要議題:1.海外拓展找代理商與直接行銷設立分公司何者為重? 2.自創品牌與OEM與ODM之間的衝突。 3.銀行對G公司的變化與融資觀點的判斷。 4.公司危機透過銀行如何解決?這些議題的內容涵蓋了台灣中小企業所遇到的成長內部的決策面,另一方面從銀行融資角度來判斷該公司的財務面是否有其注意的資訊,並提出建議。 藉由本文研究過程了解到監控產業公司若具備競爭力產品與好的發展前景,在成長擴張期時,也必須要有憂患意識,並厚植公司資產。台灣製造業是以外銷導向為市場,接受外國客戶OEM或ODM生產,技術含量少的產業很容易被對岸取代,唯有打好財務基礎,盡早優化公司財務碁石,發展利基產品以站穩產業競爭優勢,才能成就大企業。 另外在社會責任與幸福企業須建構在健全財務基礎的公司上,並擁有良好的企業文化與價值觀,得以實現並永續經營,也就是中小企業應該強化財務觀念與判斷解讀,並落實在決策上,務實的讓公司獲利運轉,以永續經營的成就幸福企業。


Small and Median-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) are the main kinetic energy and composition of Taiwan's economic growth. SMEs often encounter challenges of sustainable growth and transformation issues. Case studies of SMEs regarding these issues could be beneficial to the development of SMEs. This study attempts to explore the growth process of a Taiwanese's digital surveillance company about how it adapted to the dramatic changes in internal and external environments and how to make its decisions. Through the case study the following topics are discussed :1.What are the priorities for overseas expansion to find agents and direct marketing ? 2.Conflict between self-owned brands and OEMs and ODMs. 3.Banks' judgments regarding loans and financing perspectives. 4.How can the company crisis be solved through banks? The content of the issues covers the internal decision-making process of the company as well as the perspective of bank financing decisions.The results of the case study suggests that if the monitoring industry company has competitive products and good development prospects, it must also have a sense of urgency in the period of growth and expansion. Taiwan's manufacturing industry is export-oriented to the market. It accepts foreign customers' OEM or ODM production. The industries with low technology content are easily replaced by the other side. With a good financial foundation, it would be more likely for the SMEs to survive through niche products and leveraging competitive advantage to make a big business.


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