  • 學位論文


Light and Shadow Aesthetics and Composition of Photography - From the Perspective of Mr.Fan Ho's Art

指導教授 : 吳若予


照片的主題與構圖皆係照片非常重要的要素,主題係指攝影師所要表達的意圖,這與拍攝目的有著密切的聯繫,為了突出照片的主題,拍攝之前要選擇好拍攝物件,並以最美、最明確之方式進行表達,配合設計畫面的構成。 構圖係畫面形式之處理和安排,就其實質來說,係處理畫面上各種因素之間之內在聯繫和空間關係問題,再把它們有機地組織在一個畫面上,使之形成一個統一的整體。 決定性瞬間係指攝影者在某一特定之時刻,將形式、設想、構圖、光線、事件等因素完美地結合在一起,這一主張出自卡提耶–布列松(Henri Cartier–Bresson, 1908–2004),他被譽為20世紀最偉大的攝影家之一。何藩先生從1958年至1965年,連續八屆贏得由美國攝影學會所舉辦之世界攝影十傑的榮銜,1958年更獲十傑冠軍,他以新派的攝影手法,打破墨守成規之傳統尺寸,他拍攝的多幅作品,直到現在仍然係老香港照片中的頂尖之作,他把決定性瞬間這意念發揮得淋漓盡致,被譽為東方「布列松」。透過探討欣賞何藩先生如何運用攝影中的元素-光影美學及構圖,加入決定性瞬間的理念,以完成《香港追憶》、《人生舞臺》、《香港‧往日情懷》以及《念香港人的舊》四部傑作。 本研究透過何藩先生的攝影理念,探討何藩先生對攝影的貢獻,以及他係使用甚麼方法取得如此成果。


何藩 光影美學 構圖 攝影


The subject and composition of the photo are very important elements of the photo. The subject refers to the intention that the photographer wants to express, which is closely related to the shooting purpose. Express it in the clearest way and match the composition of the design screen. Composition is the processing and arrangement of the form of the picture. In essence, it is to deal with the internal connection and spatial relationship between various elements on the picture, and then organically organize them into a picture to form a unified whole. The decisive moment refers to the photographer's perfect combination of form, vision, composition, light, event and other factors at a specific moment. 2004), he has been hailed as one of the greatest photographers of the 20th century. From 1958 to 1965, Mr. Fan Ho won the title of Top Ten World Photographers organized by the Photographic Society of America for eight consecutive years. Many of his works are still the top of the old Hong Kong photographs, and he has brought the idea of decisive moments into full play, and is known as the "Bresson of the East". By discussing and appreciating how Mr. Ho used the elements of photography - light and shadow aesthetics and composition, he added the concept of decisive moments to complete "Hong Kong Remembrance", "Life Stage", "Hong Kong - Past Feelings" and "Reminiscence of Hong Kong People's Old" Four masterpieces. Through Mr. Ho's photography concept, this research explores Mr. Ho's contribution to photography. how did he achieve such results.


Neuman, W. L. (2000)。社會研究方法-質化與量化取向(朱柔若譯)。台北市:揚智出版社。
