  • 學位論文


Disease, Dharma & Transformation: A Study on the Transition Experiences of Breast Cancer Patient Who Learns Buddhist Doctrines

指導教授 : 蕭文


本研究旨在瞭解學佛女性在面臨癌病挑戰下,生病經驗及其轉化的歷程,並探究影響轉化病苦經驗的佛法內涵。採質性研究之深度訪談進行資料收集,共訪談兩位罹患乳癌考驗的學佛女性,訪談後針對所蒐集資料進行分析。主要研究發現如下: 一、從研究參與者學習佛法的整體經驗發現,佛法結合身心實踐的程度,會影響學佛女性初得知病情的態度。當深信並內化無限生命、業果等佛法概念時,處理事務會以佛法觀點為思考的框架,所以在知病當下會平靜接受生病的事實,並且視癌症為佛菩薩給的功課。 二、以「生病經驗─在擺盪中行走」、「療病經驗─生活轉向」、「轉化經驗─超越疾病」探究學佛女性的生病轉化經驗發現,療病過程心情受到癌病疼痛帶來的無常提醒、他人對自己療病選擇的質疑、努力造善業的身心拉拔而擺盪不已;但在支持性環境中,靠著皈依和祈求、師友提醒、日漸堅固的業果信念,自己身體力行的實踐,身心靈會得到淨化與成長。 三、以「接觸法─聽聞法語多美妙」、「反思法─浸泡苦中勤思惟」、「實踐法─為美好未來努力」探究轉化病苦經驗的佛法內涵發現,苦境磨練讓知行合一,逆著習氣的改變是痛苦的,然而業果的道理提醒生命轉變是靠自己,所以面對境界當下要創造更多能帶動生命向善、向上的新善業。 研究者根據上述研究結果加以討論,並根據此結果提供建議以作為經歷病苦經驗的學佛者、助人者以及未來研究者之參考依據。


The MA thesis aims to elucidate how the women who learn Buddhist doctrines undergo their transition experience and then explore how the Buddhist doctrines help them walk through the suffering experiences of disease. The research adopts the qualitative method to collect the data through the deep interview with two women who learn Buddhist doctrines and yet who suffer from breast cancer. The interviews conducted will then be collected and analyzed in the content of the thesis. The research discovers: First, the women who learn Buddhist doctrines will change their attitude to their initial awareness on the disease due to the fact that the Buddhist doctrines integrate a person’s body and mind, as the researcher and the women’s overall experiences may suggest. After knowing the fact that the life is infinite, they will do and deal with things with a Buddhist framework and thoughts. Thus, they will calm themselves down to accept the fact of cancer and take this disease as a task from Buddha. Second, three themes are used to investigate their transition experience: a) the experience of disease: the suspending walk, b) the experience of diagnosis: the life’s transition, and c) transition experience: the transcendence of disease. The three themes are to illustrate the women’s transition experience: the constant and uncertain reminding of the pain from the cancer during the diagnosis process, other’s suspicion on the women’s methods toward the disease, and the suspension between the body and mind’s pursuit for the good. However, the aforementioned difficulties will be resolved and their spirit/body will get improved and purified if they are under a supportive environment, if they appeal to Buddha and their Buddhist friends, if they firmly entertain the belief, if they physically practice the Buddhist doctrines. Third, three themes will illuminate the discovery of Buddhist doctrines on the transition experience: a) the method of touching: how blissful it is to hear the Buddhist’s words, b) the method of reflection: the diligence and devotion in the pain, and c) the method of practice: to strive for a better future. One may discover the integrity of suffering and endurance between awareness and practice. One feels pain if he/she bears any contradictive attitude. Moreover, the logos of the cause constantly remind us that the change of one’s life depends on his/her self. Thus, one has to create more aspiration to Good and more business of uplifting one’s soul. The above results will be further discussed in the conclusion. The researcher will, based on the aforementioned results, provide any suggestions on transition experience for those who learn and practice Buddhist doctrines, professional helper, and future researchers.


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