  • 學位論文


A Study on Cram School Teachers' Curriculum Consciousness and Teaching Practice

指導教授 : 馮丰儀


本研究目的在暸解補教教師的課程意識內涵及轉變;分析補教教師課程意識下的教學實踐;探究提升補教教師課程意識的因素。本研究採質性研究,以三位補教教師為研究對象,進行半結構訪談、觀察,及文件分析,蒐集研究資料。本研究結論如下: 一、補教教師的課程意識內涵及轉變 (一) 補教教師的自我覺知,三位補教教師的角色的定位以成績的提升為優先,然除了成績,三位教師亦重視學生的學習興趣與態度。 (二) 補教教師的專業覺知 三位教師均主張成績提昇,使家長安心為要務,是以教師除致力精進課程,還須考量學生特質、程度與需求,覺察班級情境、學生特質、精進親師溝通技巧及協助同儕專業發展。 (三) 補教教師的環境覺知 補教教師對環境的覺知,包含教育政策與制度的變革,補習班的學生特質及家長的改變,以及資訊科技在教學使用上的日益普遍及。 (四) 補教教師的課程意識轉變 三個老師的課程意識轉變,從一開始只著重在追求分數,進而自我覺察到提升學生的成績還需考量學生學習動機的引發,但是仍實施以教師為中心的教學;最後覺察環境改變,開始自我省思與同儕專業對話,轉而朝向以學生為中心的教學。 二、補教教師課程意識下的教學實踐 三位補教教師在教學實踐分別扮演教學者、協調者、引導者及學習者之角色,而三位教師也透過覺察-行動-省思-修正的循環歷程,不斷調整其教學實踐。 三、提升補教教師課程意識的因素 三位補教教師展現了對自我、專業、環境敏銳的覺察力,對補教教學精益求精的企圖心,與自己、與人溝通對話,及勇於改變的決心與行動,促成其課程意識的提昇,進而轉化其教學實踐。


The research attempts to examine after-school teachers’ curriculum consciousness and adjustment to teaching, analyze teaching practices, and explore the factors that enhanced curriculum consciousness. The participants were three after-school teachers. This research adopted qualitative research methods, semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, and document analysis being carried out to collect research data. The conclusions of this study are presented in three dimensions: 1.The after-school teachers’ curricular consciousness and the adjustment to teaching (1)Self-awareness of the teachers: Despite the fact that raising students’ academic performance was given top priority, the teachers valued students’ attitudes and interests in learning as well. (2)Awareness of Professional knowledge: Aside from being able to understand students’ personalities and emotional needs, good communication skills with students’ parents and assistance to their fellow workers in professional development were also crucial at work. (3)Awareness of environment: The after-school teachers were aware of changes in the education environment, including reforms of education policies, parents’ views in education, and the increasing use of information technology in teaching. (4)Adjustment to teaching: For the after-school teachers, students’ grades and marks had been highlighted. However, through self-reflection and ongoing discussion with fellow workers, they gradually came to realize that learning motivation mattered more and thus tended to create a student-center classroom. 2.Teaching practices: The after-school teachers were instructors, coordinator, tutors as well as learners at their workplaces. By experiencing the circle of awareness-action-reflection-adjustment, they continuingly made adjustments to teaching practices. 3.The factors that enhanced curriculum consciousness: With self-awareness, awareness of professional knowledge, and a keen awareness of the environment, the after-school teachers exhibited strong career ambitions, expecting to improve themselves. It is their ongoing reflection and willingness to change that made the upgrade of curriculum consciousness possible.


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