  • 學位論文


Development of Kuomintang’s overseas movements (1950-1962)

指導教授 : 李盈慧


1949年,當國民黨主導的中華民國政府撤退至台灣後,在圖謀反共復國計畫的同時,作為反共復國三大主力之一的華僑,自然成為當年國民黨急欲拉攏的合作對象。過去國民黨憑藉龐大的海外黨部組織,可輕易向華僑進行宣傳,並進一步獲得支持。但經歷二戰與國共內戰後,許多海外黨部與黨中央失聯,或停止運作,造成1950年代國民黨在爭取海外華僑支持前,必須先重整失序的海外黨務。 1950年,國民黨正式成立中央改造委員會推動黨務改造運動,海外黨務改由中央改造委員會第三組專責處理。當時的第三組主任由鄭彥棻擔任,鄭擔任主任的時間長達十二多年(1950-1962),在他出任主任後便積極重整失序的海外黨務,並同時推動海外黨務改造運動。楊建成認為鄭彥棻主持海外黨務的十二年間,可稱為「海外黨務復興」時期。 本研究依重大事件將海外黨務復興運動時期其大略分為三個時期:(一)海外黨務改造時期;(二)「加強海外工作方案」的提出;(三)「海外對匪鬥爭工作統一指導委員會」的成立。不論在哪個時期,鄭與第三組在推動海外黨務復興運動時,都必須面對僑居國政府對華僑與國民黨的非難,其中又以東南亞國家最為嚴重。東南亞地區一向為國民黨海外黨部的重點發展區,但由於二戰後東南亞各國民族主義興起,許多地區紛紛出現排華事件,使得國民黨在1950年代推行海外黨務復興運動時,必須面對比以往更加棘手的環境。 另外,1950年代國民黨發展海外黨務時,同樣被捲入國際冷戰局勢之中。海外黨務一向與僑務、外交、情報交互合作,因為冷戰的關係使「美援」也加入國民黨的海外工作中,使當代的海外黨務更顯複雜。 然而,縱使海外黨務有美國方面的援助,仍不敵海外華僑認同的轉變,以及各僑居國政府的打壓。海外黨務復興運動曾多次修正路線,不斷成立新組織主持海外黨務發展,但所獲得的成果卻相當有限,且亦無法改變各海外工作單位合作不良的弊端;同時也讓國民黨在海外與中共鬥爭過程中背上干預他國內政的罪名。而國民黨在不斷修正海外黨務路線的過程中,更意味著其對海外黨務的主動性逐步減弱;不斷成立新組織主持海外黨務發展,也同樣意味黨中央第三組對海外黨務的掌控力道日漸減弱,不再做為國民黨整體海外工作的領導角色。


In 1949, when the KMT(Kuomingtang)-led ROC government retreat to Taiwan, in the attempt to anti-communism and national rejuvenation plan for the same time, the KMT tried to draw one of the Huaqiao as the main anti-communist.The KMT party headquarters with a large overseas organization can easily be carried to the Huaqiao propaganda, and further supported. But after WWII and the Chinese civil War, many of the overseas party headquarters lost contact with the KMT Central Committee, or cease to function. In the 1950s, Huaqiao support for the KMT before, the KMT must first re-disorder overseas party. In 1950, the KMT Central Reform Committee was established to promote party reform movement, overseas party transferred to the third group responsible for handling. At that time, Zheng Yan-fen was director of the third group; he served as Director for up to twelve years (1950-1962). Zheng Yan-fen actively re-disorders overseas party, while promoting the overseas party reform movement. Dr. Chien C. Yang called the twelve years " overseas party revival" period. In this study, according to major events under " overseas party revival" period can be roughly divided into three periods: (a) Overseas party reform period; (b) "Strengthening the program of overseas policy," the proposed; (c) "Overseas work on a unified struggle against bandits Steering Committee" was founded. No matter what time, Zheng Yan-fen and third group to promote the overseas party revival, they must face the host country government making things difficult with the condemned for the KMT and Huaqiao, Southeast Asian countries, among which the most serious. Southeast Asia has always been the focus of the KMT party headquarters overseas development areas, but due to the Southeast Asian countries after WWII the rise of nationalism, Anti-Chinese incidents have occurred in many countries, making the implementation of the Kuomintang in the 1950s when the revival of overseas party, must face a more difficult environment than ever before. In addition, in the 1950s when the KMT party of overseas development, is also involved in the international Cold War situations. The overseas party has always been and overseas policy, foreign, intelligence interactive cooperation, because the relationship between the Cold War that "U.S. aid" has joined the KMT's overseas work, the more complex contemporary overseas party. However, even though there are U.S. aids KMT’s overseas party still lost to Huaqiao identity transformation, and the government's suppression of the host countries. Overseas party line has been revised several times, has been the establishment of a new organization led the development of overseas party, but the results obtained are very limited also been can not change the drawbacks of the various units of overseas cooperation; while the KMT and the CPC in the course of the struggle overseas intervention in the internal affairs of branded drugs. The KMT’s overseas party line constantly modify the process, but also means that the party's initiative on overseas gradually weakened; auspices of the Organization continue to set up a new party of overseas development also means that the third group of the KMT central party control over the strength of overseas weakened, no longer used as the KMT's leadership role in the overall work overseas.


壹、 中文書目
一、 檔案:
(一) 中國國民黨中央委員會黨史委員會館藏檔案,台北:


