  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Applying Differentiated Instruction on the Sixth Graders in Math

指導教授 : 馮丰儀


臺灣於108學年度開始實施『十二年國民基本教育課程綱要』,當中提出的課程願景「成就每一個孩子~適性揚才、終身學習」揭示了政府落實教育機會均等理想、實現社會公平正義的決心,而學生是學習的主體,每個學生都有其個別差異,因此老師更應該運用差異化教學提供學生更有效學習。根據《親子天下》調查國中生在各領域的學習中,最討厭的科目位居第一名的是數學,研究者在國小常態班級教學已經邁入第十年,在研究者的教學過程中,發現大部分學生的最討厭科目亦是數學,且在數學的學業表現上經常出現雙峰現象,嚴重影響學生對數學的學習興趣與意願,甚至產生習得無助,長久以往,勢必將數學視為洪水猛獸。故本研究目的包括:1.探討於個案班級實施數學差異化教學的歷程;2.探討個案班級學生在數學的差異化教學後之數學學習成效;3. 探討教師實施數學差異化教學過程中的成長與省思。本研究以臺中市安樂國小(化名)六年丁班共23位學生為研究對象。研究方法採行動研究法,以教室錄影、省思札記、教學觀察、晤談學生、學生學習成就評量、均一教育平台、活動單及分層學習單等方式蒐集多元資料,並將研究資料進行質性和量化分析,所得結論如下: 一、差異化教學之實施歷程包括:營造優質學習環境、規劃適性學習內容、運用多元教學策略、多元評量學習成果、省思修正教學內容。 二、實施差異化教學能有效提升學生的學習成效與學習動機。 三、實施差異化教學後,教師的專業能力提升了,也更能掌握差異化教學之精神。 最後依據研究結果,提出相關建議,以供教育實務以及未來教學研究做為參考。


“Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education” was implemented in Taiwan in the 2018 academic year. The guidelines vision statement stated that “Every child will achieve their fulfillment: talent-praising well and lifelong learning.” Such a vision statement emphasizes the government's determination to achieve fairness, justice, and equality in education. Students are the main learning entities, and each student has individual differences. Therefore, teachers should use differentiated instruction to enhance the efficiency of students’ learning. According to a survey conducted by Parenting magazine, the most disliked subject among middle school students is mathematics. The researcher, who has been teaching in the normal class of an elementary school for ten years, also found that the most disliked subject among elementary school students is mathematics as well. In addition, there is a bimodal distribution phenomenon in their academic performance, which seriously affects students’ interest and willingness to learn mathematics, and even leads to learned helplessness. Such situations will discourage students from learning mathematics in the long term. The study aimed to (1) assess the process of planning and implementing differentiated mathematics instruction in a focus class; (2) examine changes in learning motivation and efficiency among students in a focus class after employing the differentiated mathematics instruction; and (3) discuss an instructor’s growth and reflection on implementing differentiated mathematics instruction. The study population was 23 anonymized sixth-grade students at Anle Elementary School. The study adopted an action research method, collecting diverse data by recording activities in a classroom, reflecting notes, observing instructions, interviewing students, assessing students’ learning outcomes, using a uniform education platform, and documenting deliverables and hierarchical learning activity sheets. The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results are as follows. 1.Implementing differentiated instruction includes creating a high-quality learning environment, planning appropriate learning content, using multiple teaching strategies, outcoming with multiple assessments of learnings, and reflecting and revising teaching content. 2.Implementing differentiated instruction enhances students’ learning effects and promotes their learning motivations. 3.After implementing differentiated instruction, teachers’ professional ability has been improved, and they can precisely control the core value of the instruction. Suggestions are provided based on the study results for further educational practice and future teaching research.


一、 中文部分
Carol, A. T. (2014) 能力混合班級的差異化教學(張碧珠等譯)。五南。(原著出版於2001年)
Peter, F. O. (2009). 課程發展(林素卿等譯)五南。(原著出版於2004年)
Robert E. S. (2021). 教育心理學:理論與實際(張文哲譯)。學富。(原著出版於2012年)
