  • 學位論文


Development and Challenges of Civil Society in Vietnam-Internet and Organization Mobilization

指導教授 : 龔宜君


越南社會主義共和國 (下稱越南 ),於 1975年越戰結束後南北統一後因一連串因素導致民生凋敝,直到 1986年實施「革新開放」計劃 (Doi Moi)後經濟才逐漸好轉,進而讓人民生活水準提高。而越南人民也進而開始關心在追求經濟發展中造成的社會問題及環境議題,但因為可能造成越南執政當局統治正當性的崩解,公民社會的興起並不是越南執政當局樂見的。因此越南當局對越南國內的公民社會常採取壓制的手段應對。當代社會資訊快速流通,在越南網路社群的力量也相當強大,不少公民社會運動利用網路 組織及動員,企圖在政府可能的壓制下找到發揮的空間,本文將嘗試探討越南國家社會之間的關係轉變、網路在越南公民社會中扮演的角色、中產階級及其在公民社會運動中的訴求、使用的策略及方式和政府之間關係的差異,以及他們如何達成目標。並舉 8406集團、 AIP基金會、越南青年選擇行動 (VYAC)等 越南公民社會團體為例說明。


Socialist Republic of Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as Vietnam), after the end of the Vietnam War in 1975, after the reunification of the North and the South, a series of factors led to the decline of people's livelihood. It was not until the implementation of the "Reform and Opening" plan (Doi Moi) in 1986 that the economy gradually improved and the people's living standards improve. The Vietnamese people have also begun to care about the social and environmental issues caused by the pursuit of economic development, but because of the possible disintegration of the legitimacy of the Vietnamese governing authorities, the rise of civil society is not something that the Vietnamese governing authorities are happy to see. Therefore, the Vietnamese authorities often resort to repressive measures against the civil society in Vietnam. The rapid circulation of information in contemporary society and the strength of the online community in Vietnam are also quite strong. Many civil society movements use network organization and mobilization in an attempt to find room for play under the possible suppression of the government. This article will try to explore Changes in relations, the role of the Internet in Vietnamese civil society, the middle class and its demands in the civil society movement, the strategies and methods used, and the differences in relations between governments, and how they achieve their goals. The three Vietnamese civil society groups of bloc 8406 (8406 Group), AIP Foundation, Vietnam Youth Choice Action (VYAC) and more for examples.


Earl Babbie(2013)。社會科學研究方法-十三版。林秀雲譯。台北市:新加坡商聖智學習。
王維菁,馬綺韓&陳釗偉(2013)。網際網路時代的社會運動:以台灣環境運動組織為例,資訊社會研究,25, 1-22.
