  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Medical Treatment Behavior and Its Correlates of Taiwanese Resided in Thailand

指導教授 : 陳佩修


泰國的醫療保健制度在東協中頗具特色,自古以來人類就有病痛,醫療需求也必然是生活的一環。在1997年金融風暴中泰國國際醫療產業異軍突起,在全球世界村的趨勢下,提升了新移民族群的醫療利用狀況,但過去泰國地區的醫療研究多以旅遊醫療及泰式按摩相關研究為主,而新移民的就醫研究多探討東南亞新住民在台灣的就醫問題,少有對於台灣移民在東南亞的醫療服務利用之研究文獻,藉以質性訪談方式瞭解移居泰國的台灣人就醫問題及其相關因素。從研究結果得知: 1. 在影響求醫行為的訊息管道 移居初期會在泰國同事或鄰居陪同下至泰國公立醫院就醫,在熟悉泰國環境及在拓展交友圈後會選擇至口耳相傳下評價較佳的私人醫院就醫。 2. 就醫地點因素的考量 泰國公立醫院收費低廉,對初到泰國無豐富醫療訊息管道及有經濟考量的移居者是重要的選擇因素,但因限額限診次的管制因素、受社會保險規定的限制及受歧視的不友善眼光等因素影響了移居者再次就醫時的意願。 3. 經濟因素影響就醫行為 研究訪談對象在移居初期在生活習慣還不熟悉的狀況下,會以自備藥物及公立醫院為主,當經濟狀況較穩定及較熟悉泰國生活狀況後,進而選擇私人醫院為固定的就醫首選。 綜而言之,國際移民的全球流動,使泰國國際醫療受到全球化趨勢的影響,融合當地發展策略,發展出泰國國際醫療在地化的新興現象。


Among member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Thailand has the most distinct medical and healthcare industry. Diseases exist, affecting people from all walks of life. Hence, there is a need for medication to save human civilization. Since the 1997 financial crisis, Thailand’s medical industry has become an emerging economic force internationally. As a result of globalization, there has been a significant improvement in medical utilization among new immigrants. However, past medical research in Thailand was mainly focused on medical tourism and Thai message. Medical studies about new immigrants only explored medical treatments received by Southeast Asian immigrants in Taiwan, and literature on the utilization of medical services by Taiwanese immigrants in Southeast Asia is quite limited. This study explores medical treatments in Taiwan received by Thai immigrants as well as other relevant factors obtained through qualitative interviews. Based on the data collected, it was found that: 1. Information acquisition affects utilization of medical services. In the early stages of migration, new immigrants are normally accompanied by their Thai colleagues or neighbors when availing medical services in Thailand’s public hospitals. After gaining familiarity with their environment and building their own network, new immigrants would choose to avail medical services from private, reputable hospitals that are highly recommended. 2. Location considerations for medical services Thailand’s public hospitals offer low-cost medical care. This is important to new immigrants who have only moved to Thailand recently and have little medical information and economic considerations. However, due to factors such as restrictions on the number of medical appointments, limitations covered by social insurance and discrimination, new immigrants are discouraged to set medical appointments. 3. Economic factors influencing utilization of medical services The participants interviewed in this research took care of their own medication or sought medical attention from public hospitals during the early stages of migration when they were not yet familiar with the way of life in Thailand. However, when their economic status became more stable and they have assimilated into Thai society, the interviewees preferred to seek medical attention from private hospitals. In conclusion, with global mobility immigration, Thailand’s medical utilization has been influenced by globalization. Along with local developmental strategies, localization of Thailand’s international medical and healthcare system is expected to prosper.


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