  • 學位論文


Consumer's Travel Risk Perception and Travel Insurance Purchase Intention

指導教授 : 曾喜鵬




According to the data, the total expenditure on tourism consumption of Taiwanese has reached 721.6 billion, which shows that the consumption potential is very influential. In addition, the survey data on the tourism situation also pointed out that the proportion of Taiwanese engaged in travelling abroad was 32.5%, an increase of 1.4 percent compared with 2016. However, all behaviors, decisions, and activities in life are accompanied by different risks with various forms and high levels of uncertainty. Due to uncertain factors in the tour, these risks may cause loss and are difficult to master. So touring belongs to a high-risk purchase decision in daily life. Because of the various risks that may occur during the travel, in order to ensure personal and property problems can be covered, travel insurance may be insured before travel abroad to avoid travel risks and reduce losses. This study uses convenience sampling. Data are collected through a questionnaire survey and use different statistical methods to analyze the perceived risk of travelers and their purchase intention on travel insurance. According to the survey and the results of the study, most of the interviewed were mainly between the ages of 23 to 35 and mainly females and unmarried groups. Most of them had a college education and chose Japan as their recent destinations. The research results show that regardless of the purchase intention of travel insurance or travel inconvenient insurance, it is mainly affected by consumers' awareness of the importance of such insurance products, followed by the perception of the insurance products, and the perception of travel risks for these two types of travel insurance products. Purchase intentions have a lower impact. This study also proposes management implications and recommendations based on the results.


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