  • 學位論文

泰國大曼谷地區都市治理之比較分析: 以阿瑜陀耶古城、石龍軍路、南龍社區為例

Comparative Analysis of Urban Governance in Greater Bangkok: The Cases of Historic City of Ayutthaya, Charoen Krung and Nang Leung Community

指導教授 : 王文岳




Alliances and agreements between countries have transferred part of the governance rights within the country to the outside. In order to improve the efficiency and to reduce manpower and financial tensions within the public sectors, the central government has gradually decentralized power to the local governments and civil society. As the capital of the country, Bangkok, Thailand, is loaded with high-density political power and civil power, as well as the relationship between the royal family, military, chaebols, and foreign investment. This study aims to expound multi-level governing models of the Greater Bangkok area and demonstrate the shift of power directions during the development process. This thesis also explores the hidden worries or challenges in urban development and renewal. After analyzing the governance features of the study areas, it was discovered that after the year of 1991, the historic city of Ayutthaya was listed on the World Heritage List, and the governance rights showed a phenomenon of moving up to the international orgnazation. In the case of “Co-create charoenkrung road”, the leading sector Thailand Creative and Design Center showed that the governance power is moving out to the private corperates and academic. Finally, Nang Leong Community demonstrated a trend of governance power moving down. The non-governmental organization Ford Resource and Engagement Center and local residents were participated in the community revitalizing workshop.


一、 中文部分
John Pierre 與Guy Peters著,謝宗學等譯,2002,《治理、政治與國家》:台北,智勝文化。
朱振明,2006,《泰國:獨特的君王立憲制國家 》:香港,香港城市大學出版社。
