  • 學位論文

雅克•德希達(Jacques Derrida)的解構主義及其在政策分析上的應用-以馬英九「兩岸共同市場」政策論述為例

On Jacques Derrida’s Deconstructionism and its Application on Policy Analysis─the Case Study of Yin-Ju Ma’s“Cross-Strait Common Market”Policy Discourse

指導教授 : 黃鉦堤


論文摘要 二○○八年總統大選,馬英九採用副手蕭萬長的建議,提出未來建立「兩岸共同市場」的經濟政策,這樣的政策構想,遭到民進黨與民進黨總統參選人謝長廷的強烈反對,進而成為選舉後期,雙方的攻防主軸。 在國內,並沒有人把德希達(Jacques Derrida)的解構哲學運用在政治解讀或公共政策上,本研究嘗試用內部解構的方法,先對『兩岸共同市場政策』作傳統閱讀;再用「區域經濟統合視角的分延」、「政治統合視角的分延」、「大陸學歷是否該採認視角的分延」、「勞工工作權是否受到保障視角的分延」、「技術是否被移轉複製視角的分延」,五種不同視角主義的分延對「ㄧ中共同市場」作解構閱讀,最後對傳統閱讀貼標籤,探討馬英九的思考理路如何可能。這樣的研究途徑,是一種偏重詮釋理解的認知方式,與國內普遍流行的實證研究有所不同。 觀察是一種弔詭的運作,因此觀察具有弔詭性。解構的精神,就是政策的弔詭性,讓我們瞭解,在從事後結構主義與行政研究時,若從不同的脈絡來看一個文本,則該文本的意義則有所不同,有多少個脈絡就有多少個文本的意義。但究竟有多少個脈絡?只能抱持「解構」的態度探求可能的脈絡。本文期能對後結構主義與行政研究,提供不同的視野。 關鍵詞:德希達、解構主義、延異、視角主義、弔詭性、偶變性、雙重閱讀、兩岸共同市場


Abstract In the 2008 presidential election race, Yingjeou Ma, the presidential nominee of Kuomintang, took advices from Vincent Siew, Ma’s vice presidential running mate, and proposed the campaign theme: Cross-Strait Common Market (CSCM). This theme was fiercely attacked by Frank Hsieh, the presidential nominee from Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), and his party. In the final phase of the presidential election, the CSCM theme even became the focal argument for presidential candidates from both parties. In Taiwan, the deconstruction theories, proposed by Jacques Derrida, have not been utilized to analyze politics and public policies. This study first adopted the method of internal deconstruction and interpreted the CSCM theme with conventional means. The study then deconstructed the CSCM theme by utilizing five extensional perspectives: 1) regional economic integration; 2) political integration; 3) acknowledgement of China diploma; 4) labor work right protection; and 5) technology transfer and duplication. Finally, this study compared and contrasted the conventional means of the CSCM theme to the deconstructed products of the CSCM theme. This research method, unlike the empirical research method commonly adapted in most researches, is a cognitive method that emphasizes on the interpretation and understanding for the studied objective. Observation is the use of paradox and has a paradox nature. The true spirit of deconstruction rests on the paradox of a policy. Thus, we have to really pay attention to the contexts of a topic when we engage in analyzing post-structuralism and administrative studies. This is because different contexts can lead to confusing or even conflicting conclusions, and a deconstruction method is the perfect mean to evaluate possible contexts. Based on such logic, this study will illustrate different viewpoints for post-structuralism and administrative studies. Key words:Jacques Derrida, Deconstruction Theory, Defférance, Perspectivism, Paradox, Contingency, Double Reading, Cross-Strait Common Market"


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