  • 學位論文


Feasibility Study on the Investment of Children English-training Industry of Mainland China

指導教授 : 鄭健雄


中文摘要 近年兩岸英語培訓市場日漸蓬勃,而中國大陸的兒童人口約為總人口1/7,加上獨生子女增多、市場國際化趨勢,使得普遍對於兒童英語教育有強烈需求。故本研究針對中國大陸的兒童英語培訓市場為主要研究議題,除針對該產業做市場供需面分析外,另外關於業者的投資風險評估、市場選址、及業者經營與品牌建構策略層面做一探討,整理本研究之研究目的如下。 1. 探討大陸目前兒童英語培訓市場之供需情況為何。 2. 針對目前大陸兒童英語培訓市場的供需情形,相關業者如何做適當風險控管及市場選址評估。 3. 相關業者在投資經營過程如何做一品牌建構及策略擬定。 4. 大陸兒童英語培訓市場的發展機會與未來挑戰及因應策略為何。 經相關文獻探討及個案探討,本研究有以下研究發現: 1. 中國大陸目前約平均6人承擔1個孩子的教育投入,估計逾千億元潛在市場規模,市場需求強烈,但相對競爭者眾,估計相關外語培訓機構數量亦已逾5萬家。 2. 業者的經營風險評估方面,主要包括:(1)市場呈現同質化而少創新(2)進入門檻低,服務替代性高(3)經營不善所衍生的投資、財務管理及人資管理等經營風險。 3. 財務投資考量層面包含開店成本、相關設備、人事成本、及加盟金及風險因應預備金等層面,依據不同品牌等最低創業額至少在150萬~300萬之間。 4. 業者市場選址、經營策略與品牌建構主要方向如下:1.藉由多元化具專業性之產品/服務的提供給不同需求者total solution的企業形象。2.進行多角化經營及虛實通路的結合3.經營據點廣佈於各級大小城市,藉此建立綿密的強大品牌形象


Abstract In recent years the English-training industry has vigorous development in cross-strait market. Mainland China's child population is about 1/7 of the total population, plus only-child trend addition, and the market’s international trend, so there is a strong demand for children English-training industry. In the thesis, we aim at the Mainland China children English-training market to investigate the market supply and demand, the risk assessment of the market, location selection, business and brand construction strategy. The thesis has several main research purposes: 1. How the children English-training market develops in Mainland China? 2. How to make proper risk management and location selection? 3. How to make business and brand building strategy in the investment management process? 4. What are the market opportunities and challenges about the children English-training market? And how to face it? Through the literature reviews and cases study, we find that: 1. There are about six people assume one child's investment in education. It's estimated that over a thousand billion potential market volume. But relatively competitors are more and more, the related institutions has more than 50,000 in Mainland China now. 2. The risks assessment of the industry mainly include: (a) homogeneous service and less innovation (b) low threshold and easy to be replaced (c) the operational risks of investment, finance, human resource management etc. 3. Financial considerations of investment contain the cost of opening funds and equipments, personnel costs, the franchise fee and the risk reserves. And based on different brands the lowest funds need at least 1.5 to 3 million. 4. Business and brand construction strategies include: (a) to provide diversified and professional products / services to deliver the total solution image. (b) to combine the actual and virtual marketing channels. (c) to distribute in different size and level of the city to create more extensive and stronger brand image.


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