  • 學位論文


A Study of Constructing the Lifelong Learning System in TAIWAN

指導教授 : 翁福元
共同指導教授 : 楊國賜


本研究旨在探討我國終身學習整體發展情形以及終身學習體系之建構。為達上述研究目的,本研究採用文件分析以及訪談法,來探討所欲解決的相關問題。在內容上,首先論證終身學習相關學理基礎,接續分析國際終身學習歷史發展,以及我國終身學習社會歷程之發展,再依據研究方法建構我國終身學習體系初步架構,並輔以個別訪談研究對象,包括政府單位主管、執行行政人員與學者,最後獲致我國終身學習體系架構雛型與研究結論如下說明: 一、我國建構終身學習體系的重要性及其影響因素 (一)建構終身學習重要性及其影響因素:其包括政府法治、社會與經濟因素、因應國際發展趨勢、學習者權利與需求等四部分。 (二)建構終身學習體系時必需掌握方向與基本原則:政府與私部門的評估機 制、設置終身學習教育平臺、人文主義學習本質、順應國際共同發展趨勢等。 二、探究我國建構終身學習體系可能面臨之挑戰 (一)資源投入與權責共享:我國終身學習資源分配不均,部會與組織間的本 位主義,是以如何資源投入與權責共享,以及消除本位主義: (二)創新取向:即突破固有的傳統文憑價值觀,認知與覺察學習本質的多 元訴求,體認長期與永續經營管理,俾使檢視成效與獲得學習知能: (三)國家資歷架構:符合政府效能、組織與企業機構檢視職涯專業能力、學 習者的學習成就等三方面的共識與需求,以及完備評估檢核的機制。 三、建構我國終身學習體系之架構雛型 (一)以「學習型臺灣」為主軸:建構終身學習體系依循上層指導與基本原則,包括「評估機制」、「終身學習平臺」、「國際發展趨勢」、「學習本質」等四個原則; (二)優先擴充課題:包括「資源投入與權責共享」、「創新取向」、「國家資歷架構」等三個課題; (三)發展議題與內涵:首先將政策面、組織機構與預計可能推動的措施歸為第一類,細分為「政策法治」、「資源共享」、「學習組織/社區」等,復次第二類別 是終身學習體系的基本要素與內涵包括「資訊網絡平臺」、「多元學習範疇」、 「學習型學校」等,最後為第三類別是關注學習者本質層面以及規劃理想性的藍 圖,包括「公平正義」、「終身學習知能」、「學習型家庭」等三個議題。 四、探究建構我國終身學習體系之內涵 (一)以終身教育體系圖為基本要素,以及吸納新的要素,如生態教育、美學教育、體驗教育、終身學習知能等,符應新的社會文化與學習需求; (二)納入政策法治面、機構面、資訊網絡平臺面、資源面與及評估面。 根據研究結果與發現,本研究對整體建構國內終身學習體系、教育學術單位、教育主管單位、大學行政單位的建議等提出建議,並對後續研究者有所助益。


This study aimes to explore the overall development of lifelong learning and construct a system of lifelong learning in Taiwan. Based on mentioned above, the study adopts document analysis and interview, to discuss related issues of lifelong learning. Firstly, this study focused on the theories and related issues of lifelong learning, and analyzed the global lifelong learning context. Secondly, this study analyzed the essential factors of lifelong learning in Taiwan according to the document analysis, and carried out interviews with not only the lifelong learning policy makers and it’s performers, but also the savants with consultation meeting. Finally, by summarizing the study before, the researcher constructed a lifelong learning system. Results of the study include the following: 1. The importance of lifelong learning system and influence factors in Taiwan (1) The importance of constructing the lifelong learning system and influence factors: It includes the laws, social and economic enviroment, global trends and the needs of individual learner. (2) The essential principals of constructing the lifelong learning system: It includes the evaluation system of government and the private sector, lifelong learning platform, the nature of lifelong learning, and the global trends of lifelong learning. 2. The challenges of constructing lifelong learning system in Taiwan (1) The influx of resources and responsibilities sharing: How to reduce unequal distribution of resources on lifelong learning and the egoism between the government units is the major challenge of constructing lifelong learning system. (2) Innovation: lifelong learning system must break the credentialism, putting the emphasis on the multi goals of learning and build a long-term and sustainable manage system. (3) National qualifications framework: How to create a national qualifications framework, which can meet the needs of government, organization and individual, is the critical issue on policy making in the future. 3. Construction of the prototype of lifelong learning system (1) Using the concept of "Learning Taiwan" as the mainstream: It follows the guide and the basic principles above to construct the lifelong learning system, the essences includs the evaluation system, lifelong learning platform, global trends and the nature of learning. (2) The priority themes to expand lifelong learning system: It includs the input of resources, power sharing and responsibilities, innovation and national qualifications framework. (3) The meaning and issue of lifelong learning development: In the first level, lifelong learning system includes the goals of policy, resource, learning community/organization. In the second level, the essence of lifelong learning system includes the concept of lifelong learning platform and multipath learning category. In the third level, lifelong learning system put emphasis on the vision in the future, such as social justice, the cognition of lifelong learning and learning family. 4.Discussion on the content of lifelong learning system in Taiwan (1) This study based on lifelong education system and adopt new elements, such as ecological education, aesthetic education, experiential education, lifelong learning and knowledge, hope to meet socio-cultural and learning needs; (2) Lifelong learning system should be discussed in the policy, including the law, organization learning, information network platform, resources and evaluation system. Based on the findings and discoveries in previous steps, the researcher comes up with some policy recommendations to government, academic community .


李奉儒(2003)。P. Freire的批判教學論對於教師實踐教育改革的啟示。教育研究集刊,49(3),1-30。
